choose your own case study in engineering ethics to describe and analyze.
Rubric for grading
11-12 pt font, 1 inch margins, double-spaced
do the following (in this order):A. Describe the significant historical facts surrounding your chosen case study.B. Describe an ethically-relevant decision faced by some participant in the case study (whether an individual, group, or institution).C. State your thesis concerning whether the ethically correct decision was made in this situation.D. Explain and defend what you take to be the strongest reason in favor of this thesis. (You do not need to address potential responses or counterarguments at this point,
although you may anticipate them if it is necessary or useful in presenting your positive argument.)The instructor and TA are going to grade this paper in terms of this standard
Cluster 1: Historical Description
What points remain unclear or insufficiently developed in the authors description of the history of the case and/or description of the ethical decision problem? Are you left mystified about any
seemingly important facts surrounding the case? What additional information would like to know up front in order to assess the ethicality of the decision in question?Cluster 2: Ethical Argument
Are there any weaknesses in the authors argument? How could it be enhanced? Is the argument subject to any potentials rejoinders or counterexamples? What claims might an opponent make that the
author should address?
engineering ethics

Engineering ethics

Engineering ethics
create your response as a new thread under this forum. 1 a
Truesteel Affair
View the “Truesteel Affair” in our Course Reserves and reply in a
post of no more than 500 words.
Robert Williams is placed in a very difficutlt situation in this
video. lntuitively, what are the ethical issues that he faces and
what would you do differently, if anything, if placed in his
situation without benefit of knowing the outcome? Please
indicate how the NSPE Code bears on this issue, and also what
ethical concepts and principles introduced in the text and lecture
material might apply here
Engineering ethics

Engineering ethics
create your response as a new thread under this forum. 1 a
Truesteel Affair
View the “Truesteel Affair” in our Course Reserves and reply in a
post of no more than 500 words.
Robert Williams is placed in a very difficutlt situation in this
video. lntuitively, what are the ethical issues that he faces and
what would you do differently, if anything, if placed in his
situation without benefit of knowing the outcome? Please
indicate how the NSPE Code bears on this issue, and also what
ethical concepts and principles introduced in the text and lecture
material might apply here