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Engineering and Construction

Engineering and Construction

Project description
revision instruction: Now i understand .but atleast the writer should provide me with basic formulas and standard calculations. I ordered an engineering paper while the paper contains just paragraphs only theoryritical and also about the numerating of the refernces he keeps doing mistakes,,some pages are left without numerating them,,basic engineering work should include formulas and graphs as known

hello,i would like to have a thesis which consist of these topics,and also I would like to have around 10 pages of drafts each 10-15 days of writing,,,

1-INTRODUCTION which include :

A-phenomena of lightning

B-types of lightning

C-Review of existent systems for airport lightening protections

D-Types and extents of electrical hazards

E-The need to heighten lightning protection, according to geographical locations

2-Equipments of the airports which get effected by the lightning strikes and its effects on these factors

a-the structure of the airport

b-the runway


d-Air traffic control tower and its elctronic equipments such as the radar system

e-fuel tanks

3- Models and methods of protection against lightning strikes on the airports facilities (solutions for the above problems in point 2)

A- Cases wherein airlines have suffered serious drawbacks because of lightning and power surges

B-Measures that had not been taken to cushion airports and airlines from these setbacks


D-Reflections from the case study

5-risk managements and assessment

6-Summary or conclusion



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Engineering and Construction

Engineering and Construction

Design Project
Project topics will be selected from a suggested listing on an approved topic of interest to the student. The final document ought to be around 20 – 25 pages including text, drawings, photographs, tables and diagrams. The project will develop the students’ ability to design real world industrial devices suitable for manufacturing and installation
appropriate format including title page, contents page, introduction, some appropriate headings, design chapter, conclusions, references, all calculations need to be hand written and scanned.

Weighting 35%

The production of portlandcemem is a four-step process: (1) acquisition of raw materials, (2)

preparation of raw materials for pyroprocessing, (3) pyroprocessing of raw materials to form

portland cement clinker, (4) grinding of the clinker to portland cement. The pyroprocessing

system is generally described as containing three steps or zones: (1) drying or preheating, (2)

calcining, and (3) sintering. A rotary kiln is the common element in all perprocessing systems.

The main parameters of the kiln exhaust gas:

Temperature of exhaust gas stream- 250°C

Flow rate – 190,000 m3/h

Concentration of particles: 3.6 g/ m3

NOx: 0.03 g/ m3

Particle size distribution: 0.5-14um

You are asked to design and construct a suitable air pollution control technology to prevent the

emission of particulate pollutant to the atmosphere. The final document must include:

1. Introduction (description of the main process).

2. Literature review ( description of different air pollution control technologies, their
advantages and disadvantages and analysis of the possibility of utilisation for the
particular process).

3. Main chapter ( design and costing of the air pollution control technology: calculations,
diagrams, sketches, etc).

4. Conclusions and recommendations.

5. List of references.

6. Poster (A4 paper size), outlining the main findings of the design, must be attached to the
final document.

Local Emission Standards (maximum allowed emissions)

Co – 0.04 g/ m3

NOx – 0.05 g/ m3

SOx – 0.03 g/ m3

Particles – 0.02 g/ m3

Others – 0.05 g/ m3


1. General Instructions for assignment
The assignment is based on a case study contained in section 2 of these instructions.
The assignment is to be presented in Essay Format.
Not required for this assignment. Will not form part of word count.
The discussion should be about creating new ideas based upon your readings and reasonable inferences from the data. Reproduction of clinical data from the scenario is not discussion and assume that the marker has read the patient case.
The discussion must be presented using academic assignment format with attention to good paragraphing structure, grammar, Australian spelling and formal academic expression.
It is important to link sentences to establish the flow of ideas and there should be no single sentence paragraphs in a paper. Double spacing is required between paragraphs. Dot point format is not acceptable.
Headings and subheadings are acceptable, however there should be No bullet points or tables.
Conclusion not required for this assignment. Will not form part of word count.
The assignment is to be a report answering the general questions as posed in by the marking rubric.
Please see the attached excerpts from the School Of Health and Engineering (SHE) survival guide which describes how you might answer the questions posed by the assignment topic. Take note of the descriptive words used (I.e. ‘compare and contrast’)
Assignments should have a minimum of 8 references in total (text books, professional web sites, journal articles; minimum of 4 peer reviewed journal articles required and reference list must be included with each assignment
Students should refer to the assignment submission and return guidelines
Include Use of APA format used by La Trobe University version 6 style referencing (in-text and end-text reference list). Referencing must conform to the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines – please refer to La Trobe University Library
General Assignment Format
Assignments must be typed using double spacing and size 11 or 12 font and text left justified
• All pages must be numbered consecutively from the title page
• Ensure your student number and subject code appear on each page either as a footer or header
• The Marking rubric must be submitted with the case study.
A marking rubric is also available on LMS. The markers will be using the rubric to mark your paper. It is the best guide to plan the depth required for your paper.
2. Patient case – Mr Goodpasture
Mr James Goodpasture is a 55 year old man. He has presented to ED with a presenting complaint of nausea and malaise. His Subjective and objective examination are as follows:
History of presenting complaint
1 week history of increasing malaise, pruritus and low mood.
Medical History:
End stage renal disease
Seasonal rhinitis
Surgical History:
Appendicectomy as a child
Knee arthroscopy 2005
Social History
Sheep farmer at Patersons Plains, a rural community 100 km Northwest of Melbourne. Married with 2 grown children.
Currently smokes 25 pack year history
Alcohol: 6 stubbies of heavy beer a week
Denies illicit drug use
On examination:
Vital signs: T-37oC; HR -96bpm, Sinus Rhythm; RR 20 rpm, BP 165/110 mmHg, SpO2 95% on 3l via NP
Somewhat agitated on arrival
Scattered crackles over bases R=L
Monitored in Sinus Rhythm with occasional premature ventricular complexes
pitting oedema bilaterally to lower extremities
Mildly obese, abdomen soft and tender
Urine output: 30 ml/hr
Urinalysis shows ++ protein finding; SG 1.028
Mild limb weakness L=R, upper and lower limbs
Diminished patellar reflexes
Mental health Examination
Describes low mood last 2 weeks

3. Assignment task
Assignment question:
Using current literature , discuss the pathophysiology and management of Chronic Renal Failure with specific reference to Mr Goodpasture’s clinical presentation ( i.e biochemistry , full blood count and signs and symptoms)
(1000 word)
Suggested structure:
1. Explain the relationship of Mr Goodpasture’s presentation (i.e. his signs and symptoms and pathology results) and the pathophysiology of his kidney disease, including discussion of end stage kidney disease (400 words)
2. Describe the relationship between Mr Goodpasture’s kidney disease and his medical history history (200 words)
3. Describe the management of end-stage kidney disease. Compare and contrast the risks and psychosocial implications associated with two management options. (400 words)

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Engineering and Construction

Engineering and Construction

Design Project
Project topics will be selected from a suggested listing on an approved topic of interest to the student. The final document ought to be around 20 – 25 pages including text, drawings, photographs, tables and diagrams. The project will develop the students’ ability to design real world industrial devices suitable for manufacturing and installation
appropriate format including title page, contents page, introduction, some appropriate headings, design chapter, conclusions, references, all calculations need to be hand written and scanned.

Weighting 35%

The production of portlandcemem is a four-step process: (1) acquisition of raw materials, (2)

preparation of raw materials for pyroprocessing, (3) pyroprocessing of raw materials to form

portland cement clinker, (4) grinding of the clinker to portland cement. The pyroprocessing

system is generally described as containing three steps or zones: (1) drying or preheating, (2)

calcining, and (3) sintering. A rotary kiln is the common element in all perprocessing systems.

The main parameters of the kiln exhaust gas:

Temperature of exhaust gas stream- 250°C

Flow rate – 190,000 m3/h

Concentration of particles: 3.6 g/ m3

NOx: 0.03 g/ m3

Particle size distribution: 0.5-14um

You are asked to design and construct a suitable air pollution control technology to prevent the

emission of particulate pollutant to the atmosphere. The final document must include:

1. Introduction (description of the main process).

2. Literature review ( description of different air pollution control technologies, their
advantages and disadvantages and analysis of the possibility of utilisation for the
particular process).

3. Main chapter ( design and costing of the air pollution control technology: calculations,
diagrams, sketches, etc).

4. Conclusions and recommendations.

5. List of references.

6. Poster (A4 paper size), outlining the main findings of the design, must be attached to the
final document.

Local Emission Standards (maximum allowed emissions)

Co – 0.04 g/ m3

NOx – 0.05 g/ m3

SOx – 0.03 g/ m3

Particles – 0.02 g/ m3

Others – 0.05 g/ m3


1. General Instructions for assignment
The assignment is based on a case study contained in section 2 of these instructions.
The assignment is to be presented in Essay Format.
Not required for this assignment. Will not form part of word count.
The discussion should be about creating new ideas based upon your readings and reasonable inferences from the data. Reproduction of clinical data from the scenario is not discussion and assume that the marker has read the patient case.
The discussion must be presented using academic assignment format with attention to good paragraphing structure, grammar, Australian spelling and formal academic expression.
It is important to link sentences to establish the flow of ideas and there should be no single sentence paragraphs in a paper. Double spacing is required between paragraphs. Dot point format is not acceptable.
Headings and subheadings are acceptable, however there should be No bullet points or tables.
Conclusion not required for this assignment. Will not form part of word count.
The assignment is to be a report answering the general questions as posed in by the marking rubric.
Please see the attached excerpts from the School Of Health and Engineering (SHE) survival guide which describes how you might answer the questions posed by the assignment topic. Take note of the descriptive words used (I.e. ‘compare and contrast’)
Assignments should have a minimum of 8 references in total (text books, professional web sites, journal articles; minimum of 4 peer reviewed journal articles required and reference list must be included with each assignment
Students should refer to the assignment submission and return guidelines
Include Use of APA format used by La Trobe University version 6 style referencing (in-text and end-text reference list). Referencing must conform to the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines – please refer to La Trobe University Library
General Assignment Format
Assignments must be typed using double spacing and size 11 or 12 font and text left justified
• All pages must be numbered consecutively from the title page
• Ensure your student number and subject code appear on each page either as a footer or header
• The Marking rubric must be submitted with the case study.
A marking rubric is also available on LMS. The markers will be using the rubric to mark your paper. It is the best guide to plan the depth required for your paper.
2. Patient case – Mr Goodpasture
Mr James Goodpasture is a 55 year old man. He has presented to ED with a presenting complaint of nausea and malaise. His Subjective and objective examination are as follows:
History of presenting complaint
1 week history of increasing malaise, pruritus and low mood.
Medical History:
End stage renal disease
Seasonal rhinitis
Surgical History:
Appendicectomy as a child
Knee arthroscopy 2005
Social History
Sheep farmer at Patersons Plains, a rural community 100 km Northwest of Melbourne. Married with 2 grown children.
Currently smokes 25 pack year history
Alcohol: 6 stubbies of heavy beer a week
Denies illicit drug use
On examination:
Vital signs: T-37oC; HR -96bpm, Sinus Rhythm; RR 20 rpm, BP 165/110 mmHg, SpO2 95% on 3l via NP
Somewhat agitated on arrival
Scattered crackles over bases R=L
Monitored in Sinus Rhythm with occasional premature ventricular complexes
pitting oedema bilaterally to lower extremities
Mildly obese, abdomen soft and tender
Urine output: 30 ml/hr
Urinalysis shows ++ protein finding; SG 1.028
Mild limb weakness L=R, upper and lower limbs
Diminished patellar reflexes
Mental health Examination
Describes low mood last 2 weeks

3. Assignment task
Assignment question:
Using current literature , discuss the pathophysiology and management of Chronic Renal Failure with specific reference to Mr Goodpasture’s clinical presentation ( i.e biochemistry , full blood count and signs and symptoms)
(1000 word)
Suggested structure:
1. Explain the relationship of Mr Goodpasture’s presentation (i.e. his signs and symptoms and pathology results) and the pathophysiology of his kidney disease, including discussion of end stage kidney disease (400 words)
2. Describe the relationship between Mr Goodpasture’s kidney disease and his medical history history (200 words)
3. Describe the management of end-stage kidney disease. Compare and contrast the risks and psychosocial implications associated with two management options. (400 words)

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