Critically discuss each article in turn ensuring that your selection of articles gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of each of the following areas:
The parties to employment relations
State regulation
Collective agreement-making processes, and
Industrial conflict.
Name of article, source and date
Brief overview of article
The parties to employment relations
A description of what parties are involved in the issue outlined in this article and how this relates to content of the unit. (Workers, Unions, Employers, Employer associations, Government / the state, Fair Work Commission & Fair Work Ombudsman)
State regulation
A description of what state regulation is relevant to this issue and how this relates to the content of the unit.
Collective agreement-making processes
A description of the collective-agreement making processes relevant to this issue and how this relates to the content of the unit.
Industrial conflict.
A description of the industrial conflict evident in this article, and how this relates to the content of the unit.
Employment Relations Australia

: Employment Relations Australia

: Employment Relations Australia
Order Description
Dear Writer:
Thank you very much for your help and high quality work I really appreciate it. This is in regards to the previous Employment Relations assignment you helped me with. I am very pleased that the lecturer was happy about the work but I got some feedback to improve for the next remaining 3 articles
This is her response: Once again I appreciate your help and just a little something to take into consideration when you help me do the remaining 3 articles ?
Lecturer’s Response:
Yes, you are indeed on the right track in your discussion of the articles. You will lose marks however if you do not use correct punctuation- capitals for the Fair Work Commission for example, and in the first article it would be better to be specific, for example, is there a union involved in this case and if so, which one? For another article, don’t say “maritime union”- use its proper name. Likewise in your discussion, be specific, if you refer to the Fair Work Act, refer to it specifically, rather than in general.
Kind regards
Please follow the same style and format as you did before to complete the following articles following the lecturers feedback ? Thanks allot! I will also attach your previous writing for your reference.
Critically discuss each article in turn ensuring that your selection of articles gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of each of the following areas:
• The parties to employment relations
• State regulation
• Collective agreement-making processes, and
• Industrial conflict.
Name of article, source and date
Brief overview of article
The parties to employment relations
A description of what parties are involved in the issue outlined in this article and how this relates to content of the unit. (Workers, Unions, Employers, Employer associations, Government / the state, Fair Work Commission & Fair Work Ombudsman)
State regulation
A description of what state regulation is relevant to this issue and how this relates to the content of the unit.
Collective agreement-making processes
A description of the collective-agreement making processes relevant to this issue and how this relates to the content of the unit.
Industrial conflict.
A description of the industrial conflict evident in this article, and how this relates to the content of the unit.
: Employment Relations Australia

: Employment Relations Australia
Order Description
Dear Writer:
Thank you very much for your help and high quality work I really appreciate it. This is in regards to the previous Employment Relations assignment you helped me with. I am very pleased that the lecturer was happy about the work but I got some feedback to improve for the next remaining 3 articles
This is her response: Once again I appreciate your help and just a little something to take into consideration when you help me do the remaining 3 articles ?
Lecturer’s Response:
Yes, you are indeed on the right track in your discussion of the articles. You will lose marks however if you do not use correct punctuation- capitals for the Fair Work Commission for example, and in the first article it would be better to be specific, for example, is there a union involved in this case and if so, which one? For another article, don’t say “maritime union”- use its proper name. Likewise in your discussion, be specific, if you refer to the Fair Work Act, refer to it specifically, rather than in general.
Kind regards
Please follow the same style and format as you did before to complete the following articles following the lecturers feedback ? Thanks allot! I will also attach your previous writing for your reference.
Critically discuss each article in turn ensuring that your selection of articles gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of each of the following areas:
• The parties to employment relations
• State regulation
• Collective agreement-making processes, and
• Industrial conflict.
Name of article, source and date
Brief overview of article
The parties to employment relations
A description of what parties are involved in the issue outlined in this article and how this relates to content of the unit. (Workers, Unions, Employers, Employer associations, Government / the state, Fair Work Commission & Fair Work Ombudsman)
State regulation
A description of what state regulation is relevant to this issue and how this relates to the content of the unit.
Collective agreement-making processes
A description of the collective-agreement making processes relevant to this issue and how this relates to the content of the unit.
Industrial conflict.
A description of the industrial conflict evident in this article, and how this relates to the content of the unit.