Employment Equality Regulations1.4: Evaluation of the contribution made in the Process as the HR Personnel Apart from the steps of the recruitment process stated above, the organization also engages in various other related processes so as to ensure the recruitment process meets the legal requirements as well as thigh ethical standards set by the board. For instance, the human resource department conducts several committee-like meetings to discuss the different dimensions of the process. This often entails contacting the legal department and other affected departments to ensure that the entire process is consultative. In order to maintain transparency throughout the process, as the HR manager it was ensured that the whole process is guided by values of transparency, equality, objectivity, and accountability (Montana, and Bruce, 2008). These values featured prominently in the process. For instance, the job description process used a unifying message to explain the role of the position in a manner that elicited interest from men and women as well as encouraging other disadvantaged groups. Furthermore, the adverts for the position were placed in the public for about a month through several mediums including both online, print and radio in order to reach out to the most people (Tyson, 2006). The selection method was interviews, where, as the HR manager a significant role was played in assessing the suitability of the shortlisted candidates. The interview was very objective and transparent, such that every candidate was informed whether they has met the cut or not as well as the reasons for the decisions (Gunnigle, 2006). Finally, the selected person was hired and given a three months probation or induction period, after which he would be given his letter of engagement and be fully integrated in the team. Delta Plc. Preferred using interviews for various reasons. First, interviews are more objective because there is a specific panel that assesses the candidates based on their merit. Secondly, interviews create an opportunity for the recruitment team to meet the candidates face to face not only to assess their suitability, but also to assess their communication and relationship skills (Mathis, & Jackson, 2009). On the other hand, the interview process is more time consuming as well as it takes up a lot of resources for the company. Nevertheless, it often results in identifying the best candidates. LO2 Understand the Styles and Impact of Leadership
Employment Equality Regulations