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Employee Motivation

An organization’s glory and performance is determined in a great deal by the level of motivation of the employees. In most of the circumstances, a highly motivated staff will reflect directly on the output of an organization. In this case the organization will record positive results. Having knowledge on the ways in which to motivate staff members is, therefore, an important component of management function. Theories have been put forward to explain employee motivation. Here we look at some.

The theory of equity and organizational justice is the theory that purports that motivation for employees depends on fair and just treatment in terms of payments and awarding of rewards (South University online, 2013). It states that rewards ought to be distributed to the employees in a manner that is fair, in the spirit of distributive justice. The management has to be careful with the way they handle distributive justice so as to keep their employees motivated.

This principle can be employed in payments of salaries and wages. It has been proven that motivation greatly lowers if in an organization, there are issues of salary inequities. Rewards are also supposed to be distributed in a fair manner. Chonko, Coulson and Roberts (1999) assert that impact is directly determined by the way an employee perceives themselves. There is a possibility that an employee who believes that there is inequity in the way they are treated will lower their productivity.

The goal setting theory attributes organizational performance, and in particular, organizational performance in view of the employees, to involvement of the employees in the setting and implementation of organizational goals (South University Online, 2013). This theory however, lays emphasis on the correlation between performance and goals (Lunenburg, 2011). In application of this theory, what would have been individual goal-setting is worked out as group-goal-setting so as to be at par with the common goal of the organization.

This theory can be applied in various circumstances. For example, involving the employees in setting deadlines. They will do their best to meet those deadlines since they are the ones who have set them. Further, the performance of a learning goal orientation is found to be higher than a performance goal orientation.

Self-determination theory of motivation purports that employees are always intrinsically to perform work at the place of work faithfully, efficiently and effectively. It corresponds to McGregor’s theory X on the employees as lovers on work, who will work without coercion. It supposes that managers exist in organizations to better the working conditions. Two forms exist; autonomous motivation and controlled motivation. Controlled motivation is when an employee does a job out of internal or external pressure, while autonomous motivation is doing because you love to do it.

This theory will automatically take effect in an organization without a lot of input by the managers. The management can promote motivation through this theory by creating an enabling environment, and making sure the working conditions are conducive.

The theory of involvement of employees in an organization emphasizes incorporating the employees in decision-making plus all other aspects of the organization. The importance of this is that employees will feel part of the organization and they will feel the sense of belonging. They will, therefore, undertake duties as if it was their own work.

This theory can be applied in all decision making in an organization. For example, in departmentalization, members of a particular department are left to set the way forward for that department. the


Chonko, B.L., Coulson, R.K., & Roberts, A.J. (1999). Salespersons perceptions of equity and justice and their impact on organizational commitment and intent to turnover. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 7 (1), 1-16.

Lunenburg, C.F. (2011). Goal-setting theory of motivation. International Journal of Management, Business and Administration, 15 (1).

South University Online. (2013). MGT 3002: Week 2: Organization behavior: Individual decision-making. Retrieved from myeclassonline.com

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employee motivation

Using the attached research proposal, complete the research paper with an additional 11 pages!! must use the following format, I will provide the survey instrument at a later date.

See attached for research proposal– BUILD UPON IT, already been approved!

Writing Assignment (Final Paper): Completion of your Research Paper (15 – 20 pages) will be in APA format and will include the following sections. (THE BODY OF THE PAPER MUST MEET THE 15 – 20 PAGES NOT INCLUDING TITLE PAGE, TABLE OF CONTENT, REFERENCES AND APPENDICES).

Introduction; Scope and context for the study

Problem Statement: This section will include the objectives of the study and state the hypotheses tested.

Literature Review: Describe what the research literature supports.

Methodology: Details about the population and sample, and methods of data collections. Describe how you survey instrument was constructed and utilized in your study.

Analysis: descriptive and statistical analyses.

Summary; A review of data and information provided.

Conclusion: what the data indicates and how the study could be improved or furthered.

References: What sources did you use and list accordingly (using APA format).

Appendices: Include copies of survey instrument and raw data

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