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Empirical study

Empirical study

1) A proposed empirical study of a mass media topic (including literature review, contribution of knowledge, and proposed sample, study design, and measures)
2) A proposal for a project that benefits and can give back to the community (e.g., media literacy program) including how you would complete your project, sources and media used, intended audience
3) An ethical analysis of a media issue with supporting evidence (e.g., the use of social networking while on-the-job, representation of minorities in television, movies, or sports, political topic coverage in news articles, gratuitous violence in film and games)
4) Critical analysis of a contemporary mass media issue (e.g., corporate media ownership, Web advancements for marginalized groups, social networking sites, the use and regulation of broadband, indecency and obscenity on the Web, Web advertising for products with age limits to children, online gaming)(This is what you will be focusing on this approach)
5) A combination of the above four options
See grading rubric next page.
Coms 183 Final Written Project
_____ (5 points) Abstract-a synopsis of each section of your paper. Includes a sentence or two about each section.
_____(5 points) Introduction, including a thesis statement in this section of your paper, provides an outline of your entire paper, justification of the topic (i.e., why is this important?), an overview of the analysis, and what you hope to accomplish.
_____(5 points) Background-provides an explanation of why you chose to study this topic and why it is important. This can be from a personal perspective as well as a more global, political, or social perspective.
_____(10 points) Theoretical rationale-identifies a mass communication theory and then explains it in detail. Noted why you chose the theory to support your topic. Connects how theory fits with analysis by giving examples. If there another competing theory that also fits it is be mentioned and explained why you didn?t you the other theory. If noted, mention how the secondary theory adds to the explanatory value. Does it account for variables that the primary theory does not?
_____(20 points) Analysis of the topic-demonstrates how/why the media issue you chose is at issue so that anyone who is not a mass communication major understands (i.e., an explanation of the issue). Notes the problems/issues or makes a case for your perspective then provides an analysis of the issue. Student ideas come first, but in this section evidence largely drawn from scholarly articles, popular or trade publications. Writing is in your own words with citations using smooth transitions to minimize jagged transitions (i.e., the ?voice? in the paper does not move steeply from casual conversation in one paragraph to an academic explanation of a study in the next). Key points and evidence are made paramount, always pointing back to thesis statement. Important ideas are highlighted and recapped at the end.
_____(10 points) 2-3 conclusions and closing remarks about topic-reminded the reader about 2-3 key ideas of the paper. Think Speech 101, with an overview, explanation, and a reminder of those ideas. Addresses the future and any expectations or speculation regarding this topic.
_____(5 points) References-a separate reference section of minimum 10 references is titled ?References? at the top of the page. Five must be peer-reviewed articles published within the last 5 years. Each reference includes the author(s) name, date of publication, year/(month where applicable) of publication, title of publication, media/book/website and other identifying information.
_____(10 points) Graph/table/chart-at least one graph or table or chart created by you is appended following the references section (using the software program of your choice) that illustrates a key point in your paper. Clearly labeled. Included a few sentences below it to describe it. Must be referred to in text.
_____(5 points) Formatting-the paper meets formatting requirements as noted on the first page of instructions.

(This is the rubic of how my teacher will be scoring this paper. It is critical that you look at this to understand if you are on the right track and if you meet all the criteria(Look at this to see if you have EVERYTHING RIGHT. THIS IS WHAT I AM BEING GRADED ON



The mass media theory you will be covering highlight in the paper is:
Agenda setting theory which is defined as:The media decides which issues are important,then by virture of them being covered,become topics of discussion in the public.Also the media can aslo shape what ideas are important to the public. In many ways the media can not tell us what to think,but they can tell us what to think about.

1) aspect you must cover with agenda setting theory,is framing which:which means to highlight a specific part of a story by using certain words or pharases.

With agenda setting theory they are two key aspects that are apart of the theory that you must cover as well :
1)the media does not reflect reality as they simply fliter and shape it
2)the media focusses on few subjects and issues leading the public to belive that they are more important then others.

Topic:You take the mass media theory of agenda setting and apply to this topic:Tabloidization in news. News channels covering sensational topics(examples Tiger Woods scandal,poltical scandels,famous people instead of focusing on issues that are important. You need to incoorpate this topic around the theory that I gave you which is agenda setting. Please come up with apporaite title for the paper that has to do with the topic.

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