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****Ohio university Athens
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For this assignment, you will consider your own facility’s implementation of its electronic health record, if you have one. If not, you should contact a large health system in your area and talk to their IT department, or you may select one of your clinical sites and contact that IT department. Answer the following questions:
1. State the EHR mandate. Who started it? When? 2. What are the goals of the mandate? 3. How does the Affordable Care Act tie in to the mandate? 4. Describe your facility’s plan. If you have already implemented a system, what steps were taken? Make sure you use the HealthIT.gov website—be clear! 5. Describe “meaningful use”. 6. Explain the possible threats to patient confidentiality and the ramifications of HIPAA violations.
This paper should be 3-5 pages long and should be written using APA formatting and citations.
Please continue to use the principles of setting up an APA paper from week 1 and 2 including introduction and conclusion.
The headings for this paper was as follows:
Description of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) ? State the EHR mandate. Who started it? When? ? What are the goals and objectives of the mandate? (See lecture) ? How does the Affordable Care Act tie in to the mandate and Obama Administration tie into the mandate?
Student’s facility’s Plan ? Describe your facility’s plan. Describe each of the six steps listed on the healthit.gov website and how your facility has addressed these steps or how are they progressing towards meeting these steps. (See lecture for steps)
Discussion of Meaningful Use ? Describe “meaningful use”. ? Describes your facility’s status in attaining it, reasons why or why not, what needs to be done.
EHRs and Patient Confidentiality ? Definition of HIPAA laws by describing possible threats to patient confidentiality ? What is being done by your facility to prevent HIPAA violations?
Note: It is HIPAA and not HIPPA
You may use the articles in the readings as a resource for this assignment and you need at least two references for this paper.
Last updated: 07/13/2015 © 2015 School of Nursing – Ohio University Page 1 of 3
Levels of Achievement Accomplished Proficient Needs Improvement
Not Acceptable
Introduction 3 to 3 points Clearly states the purpose of the paper; Provides a comprehensive overview; Engages the reader; organized and easy to follow
2 to 2 points Overview is provided, but key ideas are missing; Does not engage the reader; somewhat disorganized
1 to 1 points No purpose statement; No overview of topics; reader is distracted
0 to 0 points Does not provide an overview of the paper or is absent
Key Requirement 1— Description of the EHR mandate
6-7 points Demonstrates evidence of research includes the following: Who initiated the mandate and when, what are the goals and objectives, and how does the Affordable Care Act and the Obama Administration tie into the mandate. Writing is clear and shows critical thinking.
4-5 points Includes a description of the mandate, including goals and objectives and how the ACA ties in. Writing is disorganized and does not evidence of critical thinking.
2-3 points Includes a general summary of the mandate but at least 1-2 topics are missing; writing is disorganized and distracting to the reader.
0-1 points Summary of the mandate is poorly written; at least 3 topics are missing. No evidence of critical thinking.
Key Requirement 2— Student’s facility’s plan
6-7 points Writing shows evidence of research. Includes a description of each of the six steps as listed on the healthit.com website; includes a clear description of the student’s facility’s progress. Evidence of critical thinking.
4-5 points Student includes a list of the six steps, difficult to determine where the facility is in the process of implementation; writing is disorganized.
2-3 points Writing is vague and difficult to follow the writer’s train of thought.
0-1 points No description of the six steps of implementation, no description of the student’s own facility’s progress or description is weak, not detailed. No evidence of critical thinking.
Last updated: 07/13/2015 © 2015 School of Nursing – Ohio University Page 2 of 3
Key Requirement 3— Discussion of Meaningful Use
5-6 points Student defines meaningful use; describes facility’s status in attaining it, reasons why or why not, what else needs to be done? Shows evidence of critical thinking.
3-4 points Vague discussion of meaningful use, attempts to define whether or not facility has reached it; no discussion as to the next steps.
1-2 points No definition of meaningful use but attempts to describe facility’s current status in attaining it.
0 points Student does not discuss meaningful use or the facility’s status. No evidence of critical thinking.
Key Requirement 4— EHRs and Patient Confidentiality
5-6 points Includes clear definition of HIPAA laws; thorough discussion of possible threats to patient confidentiality, and what is being done by that student’s facility to prevent HIPAA violations. Shows critical thinking and application to own practice, using examples.
3-4 points Discusses threats to patient confidentiality but no mention of HIPAA laws. Does mention preventive actions by facility but not in depth.
1-2 points Briefly mentions patient confidentiality and EHRs but without detail. No analysis of facility’s actions to prevent HIPAA violations in relation to EHRs.
0 points Does not discuss confidentiality in any detail, does not discuss HIPAA, and does not discuss facility’s actions to prevent HIPAA violations. No evidence of critical thinking.
Conclusion 3 points Summarizes paper and reflects on what the reader has learned from the paper; contains a call to action based on paper contents; demonstrates persuasive thought and is well organized
2 points Summarizes the paper content but does not contain a call to action; somewhat disorganized
1 points Merely summarizes the introduction or contains new ideas not present in the paper contents; disorganized to the point of distraction
0 points Simply restates the introduction or is absent
APA Citation and References
3 points Citations are appropriate; Formatted correctly; References page
2 points Citations are appropriate and formatted correctly; Reference page is
1 points Citations are made but not formatted correctly; references are
0 points No citations are used or not APA formatted; reference page is missing
Last updated: 07/13/2015 © 2015 School of Nursing – Ohio University Page 3 of 3
is complete and correctly formatted; at least 2 professional references provide
formatted correctly; missing 1 professional reference
not professional or is not formatted correctly
Professionally written, no abbreviations , no spelling/grammar errors
0 to 5 points One point deducted for each error up to five points.
0 to 0 points 0 to 0 points 0 to