practice to keep the Christians spirituality up while in the hospital. The nurse taking a holistic approach to ones care also can provide faith for the patients as well.
In the Sikh religion there are many beliefs that are used on a daily basis in regards to prayer and meditation. It’s important that patients are allowed time for this while in the hospital. Kartar means the creator and this to many is God, in Sikhism there is no one name for God. Sikhs like to pray first thing in the morning before their workday begins , this allows Sikhs to proclaim truth through the day. Again in the evening before bed Sikhs have another prayer session. In making sure that prayer is conducted twice daily there is not one holy day, like in the Christian belief, which is Sunday. Sikhs celebrate the lunar days, which include the night of no-moon and the full moon, in addition to birthdays of the Gurus and birthdays to their loved ones. When a baby s born the Sikhs choose a name with the first letter of the first full hymn in which the holy book is opened. This would be very important for people in labor and delivery to know as this would need to be decided prior to filling out paper work for a birth certificate. A child’s first visit to Gurdwara, and is the first occasion to pay reverence to the holy scripture, is celebrated. Prayers and verses from the Granth are whispered in the child’s ear, the Gurdwara means house of the Guru. The Granth is the religious text that the Sikhs
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