Africa has been considered the starting point of life. Several facets in global
topics such as mathematics, philosophy, arts & science were founded in Africa, yet many historians and archaeologists refuse to give Her some credit. There have been notable campaigns especially in the 19th century, that push an agenda on the whitening of
Africa apropos of Ancient Egypt. Furthermore the current mindstate in Africa seeps of inferiority in every aspect of life, and in our current zeitgeist she is at the bottom of the totem pole with regards to the public’s disposition. As such this intends to
be a study and also serve as a guide to the effects of colonization on the continent. For my research paper, I would like to explore the issue of colonialism with regards to Africa and how the psyche of a postcolonial world has left Africa in a far worse position
than before. I will focus on the issues around intonations of slavery, King Leopold of Belgium, his Western European counterparts and the struggle for free African states.
Effects of a Post Colonial Africa