Effects of Marijuana versus Alcohol when Operating a Motor VehicleMethods Section: This section contains a description of your research design and the rationale for using the design. Part of the rationale includes the identification of any potential problems such as threats to internal and external validity, confounding or third variable problems, etc. Also contained in this section is a description of your participants, material or equipment needed, the exact procedures you intend to follow in conducting the study, operational definitions of both the independent and dependent variables, and the exact measure of your independent variable. Use the following subheading in the order specified below:ParticipantsThis section should contain a description of who your participants will be, including any relevant information about their age, sex, occupation, educational level etc. This information is especially important in generalizing your findings and in replication of your study. You should also describe how your participants will be recruited and what type of sample you will use, e.g., random or convenience.Research DesignThis section should include an operational definition of your independent and dependent variables, as well as the measure of your dependent variable. Importantly, you should specifically state what your research design is (e.g. a 2 X 2 independent groups design), and justify why the design is the most appropriate way in which to study the problem. Discuss any pitfalls of the design in terms of potential threats to internal and external validity and identify any potential confounding variables.MaterialsIn this section you should describe any specific materials (standardized tests such as the MMPI), surveys, or equipment that you will use to conduct your study. Provide enough detail so that your proposed study can be replicated by others.ProcedureIn this section you will describe exactly how you propose to carry out the study.5. Results: Given that you are not really conducting an experiment, you will not have any data to analyze. However, in this section you should describe what type of statistical test will be used to analyze your data and why the test chosen is the most appropriate. Include the use of both descriptive (central tendency, variance) and inferential statistics (t-test, 2 way analysis of variance, etc.). If your study is a correlational one, state what type of correlation you intend to use to analyze your data.6. Discussion: Discuss what your results would mean if you find what you propose. Also discuss any potential problems or limitations that might arise from the study, what future direction you might pursue, and the larger implications of your study.(Please use attached Paper as a guide as this is going to be the methods, results, and discussion section of that paper)
Effects of Marijuana versus Alcohol when Operating a Motor Vehicle