Effect of Initial Treatment Method on Final Outcome A Chi-Square test of independence was performed to assess the relation between the initial treatment method and final outcome. The relation between these two variables was significant X2 (df=3 N=170), According to chi square tests value of p is .000. Value of p in Mann- Whitney U test is 0.000. The initial treatment method chosen to treat the complete AT rupture had a significant effect on the recovery. The distribution of actual grades can be observed from the graph below. The graph clearly demonstrates that the conservative methods have provided more Excellent outcomes when compared to the surgery method. There were no Poor outcomes recorded in the patients treated using conservative methods. 1 Effect of Type of Immobilisation on Final Outcome A Chi-Square test of independence was performed to assess the relation between the type of immobilisation and final outcome. The relation between these two variables was significant X2 (df= 6, N=170) According to chi square tests value of p is .000. Value of p in Kruskal Wallis test is 0.000. The type of immobilisation chosen to treat the complete AT rupture had a significant effect on the recovery. The graph below depicts that the orthotic method was more effective on the final outcome and delivered better results than the other two treatment methods. The cast method provided poor results whereas the better outcome using the mixed method could be due to the effects of the orthotic method.2 Effect of Weight-Bearing Duration on Final Outcome 3 A Chi-Square test of independence was performed to assess the relation between the duration of weight-bearing and final outcome. The relation between these two variables was significant X2 (df= 6, N=170) According to chi square tests value of p is .000. Value of p in Kruskal Wallis test is 0.000. The duration of weight-bearing had a significant effect on the recovery. The graph below illustrates that weight-bearing during the first four weeks leads to Excellent results when compared to the later onset of weight-bearing. As the onset of weight-bearing time increases the resulting outcomes are very poor.The below table explains the results based on weight-bearing durations for different age groups and genders.Weight Bearing Duration Count Sex Total Male Female Surgery/ Conservative Surgery 77 25 102 Conservative 43 25 68 Total 120 50 1704 Report Null hypothesis about surgery/conservative on results (excellent, good, fair or poor) Null hypothesis about orthotic cast /mixed cast and orthotic on result Null hypothesis about effect of weight-bearing on final resultThe gender factor did not affect the effect of the treatments on the final outcome. The genders were not statistically significant when it came to having an effect on the treatments. Both men and women were equally affected by the treatment levels. This could be seen from the table below. The table below depicts the results based on the two methods for different age groups??. Except for the weeks 11-52 which had a p-value of 0.073, all other groups experienced the effect of the treatment on the final outcome. For the week 11-52, both treatment methods provided better results. For all other age groups conservative treatment was an effective one.Descriptive Statistics N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum Percentiles 25th 50th (Median) 75th Result 170 1.59 .818 1 4 1.00 1.00 2.00 SurgCon 170 1.40 .491 1 2 1.00 1.00 2.00Ranks SurgCon N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Result Surgery 102 96.04 9796.00 Conservative 68 69.69 4739.00 Total 170Test Statistics Result Mann-Whitney U 2393.000 Wilcoxon W 4739.000 Z -3.883 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000 a. Grouping Variable: SurgConSide Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Right 91 53.5 53.5 53.5 Left 79 46.5 46.5 100.0 Total 170 100.0 100.0The p-value corresponding to the Pearson Chi-square value was 0.000. There was an association between Cast/Orthotic/Mixed method and the final outcome. The final outcome was affected by the Cast/Orthotic/Mixed method. The gender factor did not affect the final outcome. The gender did not affect the effects of the treatments. Both men and women were equally affected by the treatment levels. The graph below illustrates the difference between the conservative methods and the surgery method in relation to the final outcome. There were no Poor outcomes recorded in the conservatively treated patients.
Effect of Initial Treatment Method on Final Outcome Academic Essay