education – classroom practices
Students completing undergraduate teacher education programs are expected to be able to
justify their choice of classroom practices according to what is known about these practices
through research.
In this assignment, you will select a classroom practice relevant to your professional
experience program and write a 2,000-word literature review on what is known about this
practice through research (examples might include the use of ICT, collaborative learning,
interactive whiteboards, etc.).
Drawing upon peer reviewed research of the classroom practice you have identified, your
review of the literature will:
• Identify and define key concepts (5 marks)
• Summarise the main findings of refereed research (minimum of 5 peer reviewed
publications for a Pass grade) (20 marks)
• Assess of the implications of research for practice (10 marks)
BEd Common _ EDUF University of Sydney
Reading and Designing Research 6 2012 2 EDUF4044
• Propose what further research should be conducted (5 marks)
Your literature review needs to include the above elements but it is not limited to them.
You might also explain relevant theory (where applicable).
You should use the recommended referencing style (please refer to the Little Blue Book
on Faculty referencing policy) with minimal errors, and make effective use of relevant
You may draw upon research you have worked with in other units of study. Your literature
review must be an original piece of writing. You need to have a minimum of 6-8 peer
reviewed sources.
Note: You can use non-refereed sources such as government reports and policies. Nonrefereed
sources may not be substituted for the required peer reviewed publications. Please
consult your tutor if you are unsure about a source.
Examples of a range of literature reviews may found in the relevant folder on the Unit’s
elearning site.
Assessment criteria:
All of the grading criteria listed at the end of this unit outline are relevant to the task. Your
grade will be assessed according to how well you meet each of these requirements. However
you should pay particular attention to the criterion Synthesis of theory, research and practice.
Your Literature Review should be 2,000 words (not including references)
education – classroom practices