Topic: Any topic related to Leadership in Education
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Qualitative Research Proposal Outline
Title Decision Making in Leadership – Unilateral or Collaborative
Problem Statement
Purpose /Significance / relevance
30 to 40 words There is looming unrest in a renowned high school following the unilateral decision making process that the new Principal has adopted. Teachers and students are finding it difficult because previously, they were used to a culture of collaborative decision making.
Research Objectives
(3) 30 words – To establish means of resolving standoff without violence
– To investigate reasons why the new Principal does not prefer the collaborative style of decision making
– To find out the merits of unilateral decision making.
Research Questions
1 main
2 sub-questions
30 words – Is unilateral decision making sufficient to sustain the reputation of this school?
1. Can violence solve the current misunderstanding in the school?
2. Is collaborative decision making the only suitable method in school leadership?
Key concepts / theories / identify 3 key concepts and 3 theories /
30 words – Successful leadership of a school entails:
• Modeling of appropriate frames; structural and human resource
• Proper monitoring of school programs and operations
• Initiating professional dialogue and discussion in making resolutions (constructive conflict resolution)
Research Approach
Tool used
Collection of views from all the stakeholders of the school about the appropriate style of leadership required in school
Audio recorders and suggestion boxes
Suggestion scripts and audio statements from respondents.
Relevant Literature
5 on the problem studied
1. Collaborative culture that is sustained in a school and the activities taking place in the school
2. The context in which all schools including district schools support professional development and inhibit unprofessional development
3. The implementation of leadership roles together with CSR activities to foster development. This is inclusive of the psychologists, counselors, and teachers who also implement collaborative culture
4. Unique problems that are faced in CSR activities when addressing the development of programs that is inclusive in school
5. Educational leadership theories and concepts
3 for the method used
1. Proper methods of conducting interviews
2. How to deal with uncooperative respondents
3. Successful interview processes
3 similar previous studies 1. Educational leadership styles and modeling
2. Collaborative decision making in school leadership
3. How to avert school unrest
Expected Outcome
20 words To convince the school Principal to adopt a collaborative decision making process in order to contain the situation that is nearly getting out of hand (Asca National Model 127)
Unique contribution / scope
30 words The process will incorporate thoughts from other educational leaders from renowned schools, areas educationists, parents’ council leaders, class representatives as well as school’s head prefect and the school chaplaincy
Months Task Outcome
1 Collection of data Suggestions and audio statements
2 Qualitative data analysis Valid conclusion & strategy making.
3 Implementation of the strategies Change in attitude
4 Evaluation of the outcomes of the approaches Calm and order
Gunter, Helen. Educational Leadership and Hannah Arendt. , 2014. Print.
Branson, Christopher M, and Steven J. Gross. Handbook of Ethical Educational Leadership. , 2014. Print.
Framework for Collaborative Decision Making on Additions to Highway Capacity. , 2014. Print.
Nikoi, Ephraim, and Kwasi Boateng. Collaborative Communication Processes and Decision Making in Organizations. , 2014. Print.
Jansen, van R. N. S. F. “A Struggle for Tenure by the “servant Class” of Potchefstroom : a Study in Structural Violence.” Historia. 58.2 (2013): 70-90. Print.
Asca National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs. Alexandria VA: American School Counselor Association, 2012. Print.
Sanzo, Karen L, Steve Myran, and Anthony H. Normore. Successful School Leadership Preparation and Development. Bingley [England: Emerald, 2012. Internet resource.
Palestini, Robert H. Leadership with a Conscience: Educational Leadership As a Moral Science. Lanham [Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Pub. Group, 2012. Print.
Lentz, Kirby. Transformational Leadership in Special Education: Leading the Iep Team. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2012. Print.
Owen, Hilarie. New Thinking on Leadership: A Global Perspective. London: Kogan Page, 2012. Internet resource