Write a short reflection (approx.750 words) on where (1) We believe we are on the spectrum of becoming antiracist, and, (2) How students in a post secondary institute, such as Simon Fraser University, might be able to participate in antiracist activities.Readings:
Hardiman, R., & Jackson, B.W. (2007). Conceptual foundations for social justice courses. In M. Adams, L. A. Bell, & P. Griffin (eds.), Teaching for diversity and social justice (pp. 16-29). New York, NY: Routledge.
Henderson, J., & Wakeham, P. (2009). Colonial reckoning, national reconciliation?: Aboriginal peoples and the culture of redress in Canada (Links to an external site.). ESC: English Studies in Canada, 35(1), 126. Retrieved from http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/ESC
Agency for Instructional Technology, Films for the Humanities & Sciences (Firm), & Films Media Group. (2005). Canada: A diverse culture [Video]. Films On Demand. Retrieved from http://digital.films.com/PortalPlaylists.aspx?aid=10230&xtid=35166
Garingan, C. (Director)., & Yanofsky, A. (Producer). (2010). Jaded (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Montreal, QC: National Film Board of Canada. Retrieved from http://www.nfb.ca/film/jaded
Martinez, M. (2011, March 12). The angry eye Part 1: Brown eye-blue eye experiment (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bf2LB0IG1xo
Martinez, M. (2011, March 12). The angry eye Part 2: Brown eye-blue eye experiment (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neEVoFODQOE
The angry eye Part 2: Brown eye-blue eye experiment
The angry eye Part 1: Brown eye-blue eye experiment (Links to an external site.)
The angry eye Part 2: Brown eye-blue eye experiment (Links to an external site.)
The following assignments are designed to complement the learning activities presented above.
Write a short reflection (approx.750 words) on where (1) We believe we are on the spectrum of becoming antiracist, and, (2) How students in a post secondary institute, such as Simon Fraser University, might be able to participate in antiracist activities.


Using your text and at least one additional resource to support your thinking, identify two examples of family engagement that truly involve families as equal partners. What are the benefits to children and teachers with this level of involvement? What barriers exist to its successful implementation? Can you envision ways to lessen or remove these barriers?

Using your text and at least one additional resource to support your thinking, identify two examples of family engagement that truly involve families as equal partners. What are the benefits to children and teachers with this level of involvement? What barriers exist to its successful implementation? Can you envision ways to lessen or remove these barriers?