EDU30014 Health and Physical Education
Teaching Period 3, 2015
EDU30014 Health and Physical Education
Assessment 2: Health and physical education folio – part B Word limit: 2000 words (+/- 10%) Weighting: 30% Due date: 9am AEDT Monday 11 January (Week 8)
Assessment overview
The purpose of this folio assessment is to produce a collection of information, resources and reflections from Module B (Weeks 5-7) which will help you develop your skills in teaching health and physical education. This assessment constitutes the second part of your portfolio, building on Assessment 1 (Part A) which covered Module A.
By gathering information into a folio, you are demonstrating an ability to identify, evaluate and transmit ideas about effective principles, policies and practices for developing health and physical education within a primary school setting. This assessment allows you to add a reflective dialogue and track your reasons for including specific evidence. Your folio should not just be a collection of resources. If academic underpinning is not evident, then you will not pass this assessment. Utilise the expertise of your eLA to question whether the evidence you have chosen to include meets the assessment criteria.
Assessment details
Your folio will contain three separate items which will relate to each of the topic areas within Module B (as specified in the table below). Each item should be clearly labelled for marking purposes with the name and description, and must include:
? evidence of the resource, such as a photograph, document (e.g. MS Word) or URL (if from an external source)
? a descriptive rationale and reflection on the resource. This must include:
1. a brief description of the resource
2. an explanation of how it would be used in health and physical education, providing evidence of knowledge and understanding of pedagogy, tools, methods and resources. Consider different teaching strategies you may use, any links to practice you have, and reflections from placement experiences or discussion board communications
3. an analysis of the benefits and limitations of the resource, linked to academic literature and curricula documentation (i.e. the Australian Curriculum), demonstrating evidence connecting academic literature to practice.
EDU30014 Health and Physical Education
Item Theme Item
1 Active play and
An outline for a game that would be suitable for early primary students.
This game must incorporate ability and inclusion concerns.
2 Challenge and
adventure activities
An outline of a physical activity for middle primary students which
requires cooperation and problem solving skills.
3 Group games and
An outline for a lesson for upper primary students based on an
organised sport. This lesson must incorporate both ICT and ability and
inclusion concerns.
Note that these outlines only need to be broad overviews of the lesson or activity. They do not
need to be detailed lesson plans.
Each of your folio items must be fully referenced in APA style. Note that references are not
included within the word limit.
Folio format
Your folio should be submitted as a Word document. Within this document:
? Each item must be clearly labelled with the name and description.
? Include all relevant information within the item, e.g. links to online resources, embedded.
Note that for this assessment, you will be developing the resources yourself, rather than finding
material on the internet (or elsewhere). The word limit of 2000 (+/-10%) applies to both the
resources you produce and also the descriptive rationale and analysis of these resources. While
this will allow some level of flexibility in terms of how much you write for each individual item, you
are strongly advised to split the word count as evenly as possible between all three items.
Submission details
Please submit your assignment through Turnitin. More detailed information is available in the
Assessment 1 folder in Blackboard.
Assessment criteria
1. Knowledge and understanding of subject (30%).
2. Quality of resources, including analysis (20%).
3. Evidence of personal and professional reflection and valuation (20%).
EDU30014 Health and Physical Education
4. Evidence of connecting academic literature to practice (20%).
5. Presentation: structure and format (10%).
EDU30014 Health and Physical Education
Standards statement (Marking guide) Grade Descriptor
Pass [P 50-59%]
All aspects of the task have been completed (three items of evidence included in the folio), and the requirements of all criteria have been met at a satisfactory level.
? Your folio shows a satisfactory understanding of health and physical education through the items you have selected to include and the brief description of what the items are.
? Each item of evidence has a descriptive rationale which discusses how each resource can be related to health and physical education.
? The rationale indicates some understanding of health and physical education.
? Attempts have been made to reflect however the rationale is over-reliant upon personal opinion and anecdote.
? You have adhered to relevant conventions of English and have maintained an appropriate degree of structure and formality. Your folio is proofread so that most typographical and spelling errors are eliminated, and any errors that are present do not detract substantially from the communication of ideas.
? While there are some errors in your APA referencing, you do provide evidence to support your ideas, although this evidence may be drawn from a limited range of sources.
Credit [C 60-69%]
To be awarded a Credit, you must fulfil all of the requirements of the P level, but with more sophistication.
? Your folio shows a comprehensive understanding of health and physical education through the items you have selected to include and the succinct description of what the items are.
? Each item of evidence has a descriptive and comprehensive rationale which discusses how each resource can be related to health and physical education.
? The rationale indicates consistent understanding of health and physical education.
? The reflection and evaluation has a clear balance between anecdote and meaningful reflection.
? Your writing is concise, and word choice is deliberate. You communicate meaning effectively and efficiently, without superfluous words, phrase and sentences.
? Apart from minor issues in text and/ or in the reference list, you adhere to APA referencing conventions and use evidence from an appropriate range of sources.
Distinction [D 70-79%]
To be awarded a Distinction; you must fulfil all of the requirements of the C level, but
? Your folio demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of health and physical education through the items you have selected to include and the focused description of what the items are.
? Each item of evidence has a synthesised and carefully integrated
EDU30014 Health and Physical Education
Grade Descriptor
with a higher degree of insight into the topic, and competence in written communication.
(quotes/ paraphrasing/ supporting evidence) rationale which discusses how each resource can be related to health and physical education.
? The rationale indicates consistent and comprehensive understanding of health and physical education, with clear links to theory and contemporary perspectives.
? The reflection and evaluation identifies meaningful points and offers implications for personal and professional practice.
? You draw on evidence for a wide range of appropriate sources, and all statements are supported as required. APA conventions are accurate and successfully integrated.
? Effective language use is a feature of the folio. Errors in spelling, punctuation and grammatical construction have been addressed through careful proofreading. You write with sensitivity for your audience and consider the impact of your choices in terms of language and tone.
High Distinction [HD 80-100%]
To be awarded a HD; you must fulfil all of the requirements of the D level, and show higher levels of sophistication and insight.
? Your folio demonstrates a detailed and insightful understanding of health and physical education through the items you have selected to include and the clear and comprehensive description of what the items are.
? Each item of evidence has a synthesised and carefully integrated (quotes/ paraphrasing/ supporting evidence) rationale which discusses how each resource can be related to health and physical education.
? The rationale indicates fluent understanding of health and physical education with sophisticated links to theory, contemporary perspectives and curricula documentation.
? Evidence of sophisticated reflection on personal and professional practice.
? Across all sections, your writing is concise and logical, with richly integrated ideas that convey meaning and purpose.
? Your use of literature across all sections of the folio demonstrates familiarity with the current field of research and your statements are consistently supported with relevant and recent references. Flawless use of APA referencing style is evident and there are no errors in spelling, grammar or punctuation.
If this assignment fails to reach a Pass [P] standard, then it must be awarded a Fail [N].
EDU30014 Health and Physical Education

EDU30014 Health and Physical Education

EDU30014 Health and Physical Education
Teaching Period 3, 2015
EDU30014 Health and Physical Education
Assessment 2: Health and physical education folio – part B Word limit: 2000 words (+/- 10%) Weighting: 30% Due date: 9am AEDT Monday 11 January (Week 8)
Assessment overview
The purpose of this folio assessment is to produce a collection of information, resources and reflections from Module B (Weeks 5-7) which will help you develop your skills in teaching health and physical education. This assessment constitutes the second part of your portfolio, building on Assessment 1 (Part A) which covered Module A.
By gathering information into a folio, you are demonstrating an ability to identify, evaluate and transmit ideas about effective principles, policies and practices for developing health and physical education within a primary school setting. This assessment allows you to add a reflective dialogue and track your reasons for including specific evidence. Your folio should not just be a collection of resources. If academic underpinning is not evident, then you will not pass this assessment. Utilise the expertise of your eLA to question whether the evidence you have chosen to include meets the assessment criteria.
Assessment details
Your folio will contain three separate items which will relate to each of the topic areas within Module B (as specified in the table below). Each item should be clearly labelled for marking purposes with the name and description, and must include:
? evidence of the resource, such as a photograph, document (e.g. MS Word) or URL (if from an external source)
? a descriptive rationale and reflection on the resource. This must include:
1. a brief description of the resource
2. an explanation of how it would be used in health and physical education, providing evidence of knowledge and understanding of pedagogy, tools, methods and resources. Consider different teaching strategies you may use, any links to practice you have, and reflections from placement experiences or discussion board communications
3. an analysis of the benefits and limitations of the resource, linked to academic literature and curricula documentation (i.e. the Australian Curriculum), demonstrating evidence connecting academic literature to practice.
EDU30014 Health and Physical Education
Item Theme Item
1 Active play and
An outline for a game that would be suitable for early primary students.
This game must incorporate ability and inclusion concerns.
2 Challenge and
adventure activities
An outline of a physical activity for middle primary students which
requires cooperation and problem solving skills.
3 Group games and
An outline for a lesson for upper primary students based on an
organised sport. This lesson must incorporate both ICT and ability and
inclusion concerns.
Note that these outlines only need to be broad overviews of the lesson or activity. They do not
need to be detailed lesson plans.
Each of your folio items must be fully referenced in APA style. Note that references are not
included within the word limit.
Folio format
Your folio should be submitted as a Word document. Within this document:
? Each item must be clearly labelled with the name and description.
? Include all relevant information within the item, e.g. links to online resources, embedded.
Note that for this assessment, you will be developing the resources yourself, rather than finding
material on the internet (or elsewhere). The word limit of 2000 (+/-10%) applies to both the
resources you produce and also the descriptive rationale and analysis of these resources. While
this will allow some level of flexibility in terms of how much you write for each individual item, you
are strongly advised to split the word count as evenly as possible between all three items.
Submission details
Please submit your assignment through Turnitin. More detailed information is available in the
Assessment 1 folder in Blackboard.
Assessment criteria
1. Knowledge and understanding of subject (30%).
2. Quality of resources, including analysis (20%).
3. Evidence of personal and professional reflection and valuation (20%).
EDU30014 Health and Physical Education
4. Evidence of connecting academic literature to practice (20%).
5. Presentation: structure and format (10%).
EDU30014 Health and Physical Education
Standards statement (Marking guide) Grade Descriptor
Pass [P 50-59%]
All aspects of the task have been completed (three items of evidence included in the folio), and the requirements of all criteria have been met at a satisfactory level.
? Your folio shows a satisfactory understanding of health and physical education through the items you have selected to include and the brief description of what the items are.
? Each item of evidence has a descriptive rationale which discusses how each resource can be related to health and physical education.
? The rationale indicates some understanding of health and physical education.
? Attempts have been made to reflect however the rationale is over-reliant upon personal opinion and anecdote.
? You have adhered to relevant conventions of English and have maintained an appropriate degree of structure and formality. Your folio is proofread so that most typographical and spelling errors are eliminated, and any errors that are present do not detract substantially from the communication of ideas.
? While there are some errors in your APA referencing, you do provide evidence to support your ideas, although this evidence may be drawn from a limited range of sources.
Credit [C 60-69%]
To be awarded a Credit, you must fulfil all of the requirements of the P level, but with more sophistication.
? Your folio shows a comprehensive understanding of health and physical education through the items you have selected to include and the succinct description of what the items are.
? Each item of evidence has a descriptive and comprehensive rationale which discusses how each resource can be related to health and physical education.
? The rationale indicates consistent understanding of health and physical education.
? The reflection and evaluation has a clear balance between anecdote and meaningful reflection.
? Your writing is concise, and word choice is deliberate. You communicate meaning effectively and efficiently, without superfluous words, phrase and sentences.
? Apart from minor issues in text and/ or in the reference list, you adhere to APA referencing conventions and use evidence from an appropriate range of sources.
Distinction [D 70-79%]
To be awarded a Distinction; you must fulfil all of the requirements of the C level, but
? Your folio demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of health and physical education through the items you have selected to include and the focused description of what the items are.
? Each item of evidence has a synthesised and carefully integrated
EDU30014 Health and Physical Education
Grade Descriptor
with a higher degree of insight into the topic, and competence in written communication.
(quotes/ paraphrasing/ supporting evidence) rationale which discusses how each resource can be related to health and physical education.
? The rationale indicates consistent and comprehensive understanding of health and physical education, with clear links to theory and contemporary perspectives.
? The reflection and evaluation identifies meaningful points and offers implications for personal and professional practice.
? You draw on evidence for a wide range of appropriate sources, and all statements are supported as required. APA conventions are accurate and successfully integrated.
? Effective language use is a feature of the folio. Errors in spelling, punctuation and grammatical construction have been addressed through careful proofreading. You write with sensitivity for your audience and consider the impact of your choices in terms of language and tone.
High Distinction [HD 80-100%]
To be awarded a HD; you must fulfil all of the requirements of the D level, and show higher levels of sophistication and insight.
? Your folio demonstrates a detailed and insightful understanding of health and physical education through the items you have selected to include and the clear and comprehensive description of what the items are.
? Each item of evidence has a synthesised and carefully integrated (quotes/ paraphrasing/ supporting evidence) rationale which discusses how each resource can be related to health and physical education.
? The rationale indicates fluent understanding of health and physical education with sophisticated links to theory, contemporary perspectives and curricula documentation.
? Evidence of sophisticated reflection on personal and professional practice.
? Across all sections, your writing is concise and logical, with richly integrated ideas that convey meaning and purpose.
? Your use of literature across all sections of the folio demonstrates familiarity with the current field of research and your statements are consistently supported with relevant and recent references. Flawless use of APA referencing style is evident and there are no errors in spelling, grammar or punctuation.
If this assignment fails to reach a Pass [P] standard, then it must be awarded a Fail [N].