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Economics 1

Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

Economics 1 – Coursework Assignment Brief
This unit is for students on the Business, Economics, Law and Politics pathways.
The purpose of the Economics 1 unit is to give students an understanding of
basic principles, concepts and models of analysis in economics. It covers topics
on basic economic problems, market demand and supply, the determination of
market equilibrium, elasticity, different types of goods, price control, taxation
and subsidy, economic efficiency in the market system and need for government
intervention to correct market failure, theory of production, cost of production,
concept of revenue and profit in business, and main features of different
market structures. Basic mathematics and calculus are used in some sections.

Unit Learning Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of the scope, concepts
and microeconomics theories
2. Use economic concepts of opportunity costs, optimization, and cost and
benefit analysis to make rational business and economic decisions
3. Collect and collate data and information, and analyse data and information
to present in a written format
4. Demonstrate understanding of key concepts within the subject area and,
use oral, written and presentation skills at an appropriate level to explain
and make effective arguments on critical issues
5. Apply knowledge and understanding of key theories to practical situations,
problem solving and complete formal assessments successfully
6. Plan, organize and complete group work and act as an effective team

Page 1 of 14

Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

Assessment Methods
Method of Assessment

Percentage (%) towards
Final Mark

Case Study Assignment


Coursework Discussion and Presentation


Coursework Report


End Semester examination – closed book




Coursework Assessment Schedule:


Case Study Assignment

Tuesday 10th November 2015 at 4:00pm

Coursework discussion

To be completed in week commencing 30th November 2015

Coursework presentation

To be completed in week commencing 14th December 2015

Coursework report

Tuesday 8th December 2015 at 4:00pm

Coursework Feedback Schedule:


Feedback on Case Study Assignment

Week commencing 30th November 2015

Verbal feedback on discussion

Week commencing 30th November 2015

Verbal feedback on presentation

Week commencing 14th December 2015

Final written feedback

Week commencing 11th January 2016

Page 2 of 14

Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

Assignment Brief
The coursework for Economics 1 consists of four tasks you need to complete; a
case study analysis, a discussion, a group presentation and final written report.

Case Study Analysis (Total 60 marks)
Answers to this case study with a coursework coversheet must be submitted by
Tuesday 10th November 2015 at 4:00pm to the ISC office.
The Case Study: Driving growth in the car market
Global car sales increased by 4% in the first half of 2013. This is largely a
result of increased employment and economic growth in Asia and South America
leading to rising incomes. With low interest rates across the world and
improving financial markets it is easier to borrow money to purchase a car.
In the USA, car manufactures are planning to employ more engineers,
technicians and factory workers. Car factories are operating at about 95%
capacity. Some car companies are adding floor space and buying new equipment.
The car industry created 167500 jobs between 2009 and 2013.
Figure 1: New car sales in selected countries and the world (millions)

World Total




China has launched a subsidy for environmentally friendly electric cars to
reduce the external costs caused by private car usage. Each electric car can
receive up to RMB 60000 (US$ 800) in subsidies, while petrol-electric hybrid
cars can get up to RMB 35000. The programme seeks to develop the electric car
industry and reduce emissions.
The impact of subsidy could be limited. In 2012 the previous subsidy, which was
larger, led to 11375 electric cars being sold, which is a very small proportion of
total car sales. Sales of electric cars will be limited by underdeveloped batteryrecharging infrastructure and a higher price compared to petrol cars.
Page 3 of 14

Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

The Chinese government also plans to increase indirect taxes on fuel. This could
reduce demand for big cars and distances travelled by drivers. It will prompt
carmakers to develop more fuel-efficient vehicles.
In Beijing, the capital of China, the indirect tax on large engine cars was
doubled to 40% whilst the tax on small engine cars was lowered from 3% to 1%.
As a result, car manufactures are likely to develop more fuel-efficient vehicles.
Sources: adapted from Wall Street Journal, South China Morning Post and Global Economics 2013

You are required to study the above case and answer the following questions.
Use diagrams and examples, and information from you own independent research
and the case study itself to illustrate and support your explanations and

Outline the reasons for the rise in global car sales in 2013. (10 marks)


Explain the likely impact on consumer surplus of the change in demand
for new cars between 2010 and 2012 using a demand and supply
diagram. (10 marks)


Explain whether cars are a normal good or an inferior good. (10


Evaluate the possible effects on the Chinese car market of the
government’s subsidy for electric cars. (15 marks)


Evaluate the likely impact of the planned increase in indirect taxes on
fuel on the level of Car emission in China using an appropriate diagram
in your answer. (15 marks)

Guidance Notes:

You must prepare your answer in a report format.
The number of words requirement of the report is 800 – 1000 words.
Read the case study carefully and analyse all information and facts about
the global car markets. Consider these when completing your answers.
Do further reading and research about the topic of the case study
before writing your answers.

The case study analysis is 15% of the Final Mark for the Economics 1 Unit
Page 4 of 14

Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

The Presentation
Your group is required to create a power point presentation on topics related to
microeconomics. Your presentation must include the following,

A clear explanation of the scarcity and opportunity costs
A clear explanation of derived demand and composite demand
A clear explanation of the relationship between the price elasticity of
demand and consumer expenditure
A clear explanation of the difference between Giffen goods and inferior
A clear explanation of the difference between diminishing marginal
returns and returns to scale

(You must always use clear examples and diagrams to explain and illustrate
your arguments)
Your tutor will decide which groups you will be in. The presentations will take
place week commencing 14th December 2015.
Your group must create a PowerPoint Presentation and will be required to give a
copy of your group presentation (six-slides per page, two-sided) to your tutor
at the start of the presentation.
Each group will be given 20 minutes to complete the presentation
Presentation must be clearly organised and power point slides must only be used
as a guide in your presentation. Reading directly from the notes or slides is not
It is the responsibility of individual student to make the content his/her part of
presentation is relevant to the topic as evidence of independent research.
Even though you will be performing in a group presentation, each member of the
group will be assessed and marked individually. Therefore each group member
must take part in the presentation.
The presentation is 10% of the Final Mark for the Economics 1 Unit

Page 5 of 14

Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

The Discussion
During week commencing 30th November 2015 (two weeks before the
presentations) your group will have a discussion with your tutor about your
research and preparation for the presentation.
All students will be expected to participate in the discussion. The discussion will
be a good opportunity for you to ask your tutor any questions, and to find out
whether your research is enough for you to complete your presentation
All students in your group will be given the equal marks for the discussion.
You must bring an outline plan of your power point presentation and all other
preparation materials including any research and discussion notes related to
the discussion. You must keep research and discussion notes and must submit
them together with your final coursework report.
The Discussion is 5% of the Final Mark for the Economics 1 unit

Guidance Notes:
It is very important that you keep all of your notes, including any research
notes, for both the discussion and the presentation.
You must keep a record of all of your sources and you must create a
bibliography. If you use any paraphrasing or direct quotations in your
presentation, these must be fully referenced.
Remember that it is always a good idea to use different sources when
conducting your research, not just the internet. You should also be looking at
books, journals etc.

Page 6 of 14

Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

The Report (Total 60 marks – See page 10 for detailed mark
For the final part of your coursework you are required to write a report on the
following topics related to microeconomics;

A clear explanation of the difference between renewable resources and
non renewable resources (10 marks)
A clear explanation of joint demand and joint supply (10 marks)
A clear explanation of the difference between income effect and
substitution effect of a change in the price of a good (10 marks)
A clear explanation of the difference between positive externalities and
negative externalities (10 marks)
A clear explanation of the difference between perfect competition and
monopolistic competition. (10 marks)

(You must always use clear examples and diagrams to explain and illustrate

your answer and points)
The number of words requirement of the report is 1200 – 1500
Clear sections and paragraphs must be used in each topic. Information used
from other sources need to be clearly referenced in your report to the original
sources. You must provide a list of reference or a bibliography in the report
as evidence of your research.
Important: Additional 10 marks will be awarded for the introduction, structure,
organisation and content of the report.
The deadline for submitting the Final Coursework Report is at 4pm on Tuesday
8th December 2015. The final report with a completed coursework coversheet
must be submitted to the ISC office.
The final written report is 20% of your final mark for the Economics 1 Unit

Page 7 of 14

Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

Guidance Notes:
When appropriate you must include appropriate examples, diagrams and
illustrations to support and explain your points.
For this written report you are expected to complete some research using a
good range of sources.
You must keep a record of all of your sources and you must create a
bibliography. If you use any paraphrasing or direct quotations in your essay,
these must be fully referenced within the body of the report.
Remember that it is always a good idea to use different sources when
conducting your research, not just the internet. You should also be looking at
books, journals, periodicals etc.

You must only write your student number and group in your coursework. Do
not write your name.

N.B: Refer to the attachments to this assignment brief for assessment
criteria used at the discussion, presentation and coursework written report,
and for additional information on global assessment criteria for the
International Foundation Year.

Page 8 of 14

Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

Economics 1: Assessment criteria – Semester I,
Group Discussion

Oct 2015 – Jan 2016


Names of Group members:
Marks to be awarded as below for each group
Accuracy &
appropriateness of
subject knowledge


Responses to other
students, responses
to questions asked,
opinions expressed,
level of inclusion and
participation of


Use of Research
Depth of notes, use
of different
sources, information
collected, responses
to research findings
Organisation of
presentation plan,
relevance and
appropriateness of
outline plan
Task Achievement
Have the
requirements of the
task been met? Has
the task been




Total Mark


Percentage 100%
Convert to 5%
Page 9 of 14

Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

Coursework Results & Tutor Comments
Student Number:

Group: B

Final Marks

Overall Coursework %

Presentation Comments & Marks

Convert to %
Convert to 5%
Convert to 10%
Convert to 20%

Accuracy &
appropriateness of
subject knowledge
Use of Research
Range of different
sources, data
collected, response
to data collected
Involvement in task,
relevance &
appropriateness to
task, turn taking
Communication &
Organisation of
points, continuity of
delivery &
appropriate style
Task Achievement
Have the
requirements of the
task been met? How
much of the task
has been achieved?

Final Mark
/ 5






Total Mark
Percentage 100%
Convert to 10%
Page 10 of 14


Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

Student Number:
Final Coursework Report Comments & Marks


renewable / nonrenewable


Joint demand /
joint supply


Income effect /
substitution effect


Positive / negative


competition /
Organisation of
points & argument,
appropriateness of
content, overall
meaning conveyed
to the reader.
Use of Research
Range of Methods,
data collection, use
of relevant
referencing &


When awarding marks consider the clarity of introduction,
structure & organisation, and relevance of content


Evidence of research ( use of referencing in the body of
text, list of reference or bibliography – Harvard style)


Total Mark


Percentage 100%
Convert to 20%

Page 11 of 14

Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

Additional Information:
The following provides details of the global assessment criteria for the IFY.
Subject Knowledge




Application of Knowledge



breadth and depth of

material displaying

presentation using an

knowledge that is

exceptional ability in

expansive range of

exceptional and

conveying issues identified

resources which

informed by
extremely high levels


inform the work but

Conveys Exceptional

do not dominate

application of theoretical and

of reading

Goes beyond the source

Academic Skills

technical knowledge to


Demonstrates an

Demonstrates and

achieve learning outcomes.

excellent ability to

awareness of the full

Displays originality in thought

convey a coherent and

range of appropriate

concise argument

principles, theories,

within the level of

evidence and






Demonstrates an



Written and oral work

excellent grasp of

range of relevant ideas,

show excellent

the subject content

theories and models with

command of format,

excellent levels of accuracy,

structure, language

analysis and synthesis

(including lexis) and

excellent breadth
and depth of content


Identifies new
information from




Makes consistently
sound judgements on

using techniques and methods

how to complete work

confidence and accuracy



variety of source material
with excellent levels of

sources which are


Consistently selects,
evaluates and responds to a


Draws on a wide range the full


Is nearly always able
to address tasks

Makes extensive use of new

independently and

information- has the ability to

reflects fully upon

read efficiently and critically


Work demonstrates an



excellent response to the

excellent time

demands of the assignment


Page 12 of 14

Unit: EC 1 Economics 1




Demonstrates a very

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016


Written and oral work

good grasp of the

relevant ideas, theories and

show very good

subject content

models with very good levels

command of format,

of accuracy, analysis and

structure, language


(including lexis) and

Demonstrates a very
good understanding
of the breadth or


Draws on a good range of



Generally selects, evaluates

depth of content

and responds to a variety of


source material using

judgements on how to

techniques and methods with

complete work

Identifies new

very good levels of confidence

information from

and accuracy

sources which are
generally appropriate



Generally makes good

Is in most cases able
to address tasks

Makes some use of new

independently and

information- has the ability to

reflects fully upon

generally read efficiently and





Demonstrates very

Work demonstrates a very

good time

good response to the demands


of the assignment

Demonstrates a good

Draws on a range of relevant


Written and oral work

understanding of the

ideas, theories and models

show good command

subject content

with some level of accuracy,

of format, structure,

analysis and synthesis

language (including

Demonstrates an
awareness of the




lexis) and referencing

Can select and respond to a

breadth or depth of

variety of source material

content knowledge

using techniques and methods

make judgements on

with some level of confidence

how to complete work

Identifies new

and accuracy

information from
selected or given






Is sometimes able to

Is sometimes able to

Makes use of new

address tasks

information- has the ability to

independently but

read efficiently and critically

only occasionally

though may require guidance

reflects on feedback

Work demonstrates a good
response to the demands of
the assignment

Page 13 of 14


Demonstrates some
time management

Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Demonstrates some

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016


Written and oral work

understanding of the

relevant ideas, theories and

show restricted

subject content

models with some level of

command of format,

accuracy but no independent

structure, language

analysis or synthesis

(including lexis) and

Demonstrates little
awareness of the
breadth or depth of


Has a limited ability
to identify new
information from




Needs guidance to be

methods with limited

able to make


judgements on how to
complete work

Makes little use of new
information- the ability to

selected sources


Can respond to given source
material using techniques and

content knowledge

Draws on a limited range of


Is dependent on

read efficiently and critically

others to address

is limited

tasks and is rarely

Work demonstrates a limited
response to the demands of


Lacks consistent
organisation and time

the assignment






Demonstrates little

Draws on limited ideas,


Written and oral work

or no understanding

theories and models with

show little or no

of the subject

occasional accuracy but no

command of format,


independent analysis or

structure, language


(including lexis) and

Demonstrates no
awareness of the




breadth or depth of

material using techniques and

content knowledge

methods with limited

Is unable to identify
new information from


selected sources



Responds to given source

Needs support to be
able to complete work


Is entirely dependent

Makes no use of new

on others to support

information- is unable to read

learning and


participation in tasks

Work demonstrates a poor
response to the demands of
the assignment

Page 14 of 14


Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Economics 1

Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

Economics 1 – Coursework Assignment Brief
This unit is for students on the Business, Economics, Law and Politics pathways.
The purpose of the Economics 1 unit is to give students an understanding of
basic principles, concepts and models of analysis in economics. It covers topics
on basic economic problems, market demand and supply, the determination of
market equilibrium, elasticity, different types of goods, price control, taxation
and subsidy, economic efficiency in the market system and need for government
intervention to correct market failure, theory of production, cost of production,
concept of revenue and profit in business, and main features of different
market structures. Basic mathematics and calculus are used in some sections.

Unit Learning Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of the scope, concepts
and microeconomics theories
2. Use economic concepts of opportunity costs, optimization, and cost and
benefit analysis to make rational business and economic decisions
3. Collect and collate data and information, and analyse data and information
to present in a written format
4. Demonstrate understanding of key concepts within the subject area and,
use oral, written and presentation skills at an appropriate level to explain
and make effective arguments on critical issues
5. Apply knowledge and understanding of key theories to practical situations,
problem solving and complete formal assessments successfully
6. Plan, organize and complete group work and act as an effective team

Page 1 of 14

Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

Assessment Methods
Method of Assessment

Percentage (%) towards
Final Mark

Case Study Assignment


Coursework Discussion and Presentation


Coursework Report


End Semester examination – closed book




Coursework Assessment Schedule:


Case Study Assignment

Tuesday 10th November 2015 at 4:00pm

Coursework discussion

To be completed in week commencing 30th November 2015

Coursework presentation

To be completed in week commencing 14th December 2015

Coursework report

Tuesday 8th December 2015 at 4:00pm

Coursework Feedback Schedule:


Feedback on Case Study Assignment

Week commencing 30th November 2015

Verbal feedback on discussion

Week commencing 30th November 2015

Verbal feedback on presentation

Week commencing 14th December 2015

Final written feedback

Week commencing 11th January 2016

Page 2 of 14

Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

Assignment Brief
The coursework for Economics 1 consists of four tasks you need to complete; a
case study analysis, a discussion, a group presentation and final written report.

Case Study Analysis (Total 60 marks)
Answers to this case study with a coursework coversheet must be submitted by
Tuesday 10th November 2015 at 4:00pm to the ISC office.
The Case Study: Driving growth in the car market
Global car sales increased by 4% in the first half of 2013. This is largely a
result of increased employment and economic growth in Asia and South America
leading to rising incomes. With low interest rates across the world and
improving financial markets it is easier to borrow money to purchase a car.
In the USA, car manufactures are planning to employ more engineers,
technicians and factory workers. Car factories are operating at about 95%
capacity. Some car companies are adding floor space and buying new equipment.
The car industry created 167500 jobs between 2009 and 2013.
Figure 1: New car sales in selected countries and the world (millions)

World Total




China has launched a subsidy for environmentally friendly electric cars to
reduce the external costs caused by private car usage. Each electric car can
receive up to RMB 60000 (US$ 800) in subsidies, while petrol-electric hybrid
cars can get up to RMB 35000. The programme seeks to develop the electric car
industry and reduce emissions.
The impact of subsidy could be limited. In 2012 the previous subsidy, which was
larger, led to 11375 electric cars being sold, which is a very small proportion of
total car sales. Sales of electric cars will be limited by underdeveloped batteryrecharging infrastructure and a higher price compared to petrol cars.
Page 3 of 14

Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

The Chinese government also plans to increase indirect taxes on fuel. This could
reduce demand for big cars and distances travelled by drivers. It will prompt
carmakers to develop more fuel-efficient vehicles.
In Beijing, the capital of China, the indirect tax on large engine cars was
doubled to 40% whilst the tax on small engine cars was lowered from 3% to 1%.
As a result, car manufactures are likely to develop more fuel-efficient vehicles.
Sources: adapted from Wall Street Journal, South China Morning Post and Global Economics 2013

You are required to study the above case and answer the following questions.
Use diagrams and examples, and information from you own independent research
and the case study itself to illustrate and support your explanations and

Outline the reasons for the rise in global car sales in 2013. (10 marks)


Explain the likely impact on consumer surplus of the change in demand
for new cars between 2010 and 2012 using a demand and supply
diagram. (10 marks)


Explain whether cars are a normal good or an inferior good. (10


Evaluate the possible effects on the Chinese car market of the
government’s subsidy for electric cars. (15 marks)


Evaluate the likely impact of the planned increase in indirect taxes on
fuel on the level of Car emission in China using an appropriate diagram
in your answer. (15 marks)

Guidance Notes:

You must prepare your answer in a report format.
The number of words requirement of the report is 800 – 1000 words.
Read the case study carefully and analyse all information and facts about
the global car markets. Consider these when completing your answers.
Do further reading and research about the topic of the case study
before writing your answers.

The case study analysis is 15% of the Final Mark for the Economics 1 Unit
Page 4 of 14

Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

The Presentation
Your group is required to create a power point presentation on topics related to
microeconomics. Your presentation must include the following,

A clear explanation of the scarcity and opportunity costs
A clear explanation of derived demand and composite demand
A clear explanation of the relationship between the price elasticity of
demand and consumer expenditure
A clear explanation of the difference between Giffen goods and inferior
A clear explanation of the difference between diminishing marginal
returns and returns to scale

(You must always use clear examples and diagrams to explain and illustrate
your arguments)
Your tutor will decide which groups you will be in. The presentations will take
place week commencing 14th December 2015.
Your group must create a PowerPoint Presentation and will be required to give a
copy of your group presentation (six-slides per page, two-sided) to your tutor
at the start of the presentation.
Each group will be given 20 minutes to complete the presentation
Presentation must be clearly organised and power point slides must only be used
as a guide in your presentation. Reading directly from the notes or slides is not
It is the responsibility of individual student to make the content his/her part of
presentation is relevant to the topic as evidence of independent research.
Even though you will be performing in a group presentation, each member of the
group will be assessed and marked individually. Therefore each group member
must take part in the presentation.
The presentation is 10% of the Final Mark for the Economics 1 Unit

Page 5 of 14

Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

The Discussion
During week commencing 30th November 2015 (two weeks before the
presentations) your group will have a discussion with your tutor about your
research and preparation for the presentation.
All students will be expected to participate in the discussion. The discussion will
be a good opportunity for you to ask your tutor any questions, and to find out
whether your research is enough for you to complete your presentation
All students in your group will be given the equal marks for the discussion.
You must bring an outline plan of your power point presentation and all other
preparation materials including any research and discussion notes related to
the discussion. You must keep research and discussion notes and must submit
them together with your final coursework report.
The Discussion is 5% of the Final Mark for the Economics 1 unit

Guidance Notes:
It is very important that you keep all of your notes, including any research
notes, for both the discussion and the presentation.
You must keep a record of all of your sources and you must create a
bibliography. If you use any paraphrasing or direct quotations in your
presentation, these must be fully referenced.
Remember that it is always a good idea to use different sources when
conducting your research, not just the internet. You should also be looking at
books, journals etc.

Page 6 of 14

Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

The Report (Total 60 marks – See page 10 for detailed mark
For the final part of your coursework you are required to write a report on the
following topics related to microeconomics;

A clear explanation of the difference between renewable resources and
non renewable resources (10 marks)
A clear explanation of joint demand and joint supply (10 marks)
A clear explanation of the difference between income effect and
substitution effect of a change in the price of a good (10 marks)
A clear explanation of the difference between positive externalities and
negative externalities (10 marks)
A clear explanation of the difference between perfect competition and
monopolistic competition. (10 marks)

(You must always use clear examples and diagrams to explain and illustrate

your answer and points)
The number of words requirement of the report is 1200 – 1500
Clear sections and paragraphs must be used in each topic. Information used
from other sources need to be clearly referenced in your report to the original
sources. You must provide a list of reference or a bibliography in the report
as evidence of your research.
Important: Additional 10 marks will be awarded for the introduction, structure,
organisation and content of the report.
The deadline for submitting the Final Coursework Report is at 4pm on Tuesday
8th December 2015. The final report with a completed coursework coversheet
must be submitted to the ISC office.
The final written report is 20% of your final mark for the Economics 1 Unit

Page 7 of 14

Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

Guidance Notes:
When appropriate you must include appropriate examples, diagrams and
illustrations to support and explain your points.
For this written report you are expected to complete some research using a
good range of sources.
You must keep a record of all of your sources and you must create a
bibliography. If you use any paraphrasing or direct quotations in your essay,
these must be fully referenced within the body of the report.
Remember that it is always a good idea to use different sources when
conducting your research, not just the internet. You should also be looking at
books, journals, periodicals etc.

You must only write your student number and group in your coursework. Do
not write your name.

N.B: Refer to the attachments to this assignment brief for assessment
criteria used at the discussion, presentation and coursework written report,
and for additional information on global assessment criteria for the
International Foundation Year.

Page 8 of 14

Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

Economics 1: Assessment criteria – Semester I,
Group Discussion

Oct 2015 – Jan 2016


Names of Group members:
Marks to be awarded as below for each group
Accuracy &
appropriateness of
subject knowledge


Responses to other
students, responses
to questions asked,
opinions expressed,
level of inclusion and
participation of


Use of Research
Depth of notes, use
of different
sources, information
collected, responses
to research findings
Organisation of
presentation plan,
relevance and
appropriateness of
outline plan
Task Achievement
Have the
requirements of the
task been met? Has
the task been




Total Mark


Percentage 100%
Convert to 5%
Page 9 of 14

Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

Coursework Results & Tutor Comments
Student Number:

Group: B

Final Marks

Overall Coursework %

Presentation Comments & Marks

Convert to %
Convert to 5%
Convert to 10%
Convert to 20%

Accuracy &
appropriateness of
subject knowledge
Use of Research
Range of different
sources, data
collected, response
to data collected
Involvement in task,
relevance &
appropriateness to
task, turn taking
Communication &
Organisation of
points, continuity of
delivery &
appropriate style
Task Achievement
Have the
requirements of the
task been met? How
much of the task
has been achieved?

Final Mark
/ 5






Total Mark
Percentage 100%
Convert to 10%
Page 10 of 14


Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

Student Number:
Final Coursework Report Comments & Marks


renewable / nonrenewable


Joint demand /
joint supply


Income effect /
substitution effect


Positive / negative


competition /
Organisation of
points & argument,
appropriateness of
content, overall
meaning conveyed
to the reader.
Use of Research
Range of Methods,
data collection, use
of relevant
referencing &


When awarding marks consider the clarity of introduction,
structure & organisation, and relevance of content


Evidence of research ( use of referencing in the body of
text, list of reference or bibliography – Harvard style)


Total Mark


Percentage 100%
Convert to 20%

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Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016

Additional Information:
The following provides details of the global assessment criteria for the IFY.
Subject Knowledge




Application of Knowledge



breadth and depth of

material displaying

presentation using an

knowledge that is

exceptional ability in

expansive range of

exceptional and

conveying issues identified

resources which

informed by
extremely high levels


inform the work but

Conveys Exceptional

do not dominate

application of theoretical and

of reading

Goes beyond the source

Academic Skills

technical knowledge to


Demonstrates an

Demonstrates and

achieve learning outcomes.

excellent ability to

awareness of the full

Displays originality in thought

convey a coherent and

range of appropriate

concise argument

principles, theories,

within the level of

evidence and






Demonstrates an



Written and oral work

excellent grasp of

range of relevant ideas,

show excellent

the subject content

theories and models with

command of format,

excellent levels of accuracy,

structure, language

analysis and synthesis

(including lexis) and

excellent breadth
and depth of content


Identifies new
information from




Makes consistently
sound judgements on

using techniques and methods

how to complete work

confidence and accuracy



variety of source material
with excellent levels of

sources which are


Consistently selects,
evaluates and responds to a


Draws on a wide range the full


Is nearly always able
to address tasks

Makes extensive use of new

independently and

information- has the ability to

reflects fully upon

read efficiently and critically


Work demonstrates an



excellent response to the

excellent time

demands of the assignment


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Unit: EC 1 Economics 1




Demonstrates a very

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016


Written and oral work

good grasp of the

relevant ideas, theories and

show very good

subject content

models with very good levels

command of format,

of accuracy, analysis and

structure, language


(including lexis) and

Demonstrates a very
good understanding
of the breadth or


Draws on a good range of



Generally selects, evaluates

depth of content

and responds to a variety of


source material using

judgements on how to

techniques and methods with

complete work

Identifies new

very good levels of confidence

information from

and accuracy

sources which are
generally appropriate



Generally makes good

Is in most cases able
to address tasks

Makes some use of new

independently and

information- has the ability to

reflects fully upon

generally read efficiently and





Demonstrates very

Work demonstrates a very

good time

good response to the demands


of the assignment

Demonstrates a good

Draws on a range of relevant


Written and oral work

understanding of the

ideas, theories and models

show good command

subject content

with some level of accuracy,

of format, structure,

analysis and synthesis

language (including

Demonstrates an
awareness of the




lexis) and referencing

Can select and respond to a

breadth or depth of

variety of source material

content knowledge

using techniques and methods

make judgements on

with some level of confidence

how to complete work

Identifies new

and accuracy

information from
selected or given






Is sometimes able to

Is sometimes able to

Makes use of new

address tasks

information- has the ability to

independently but

read efficiently and critically

only occasionally

though may require guidance

reflects on feedback

Work demonstrates a good
response to the demands of
the assignment

Page 13 of 14


Demonstrates some
time management

Unit: EC 1 Economics 1

Demonstrates some

Semester I: Oct 2015 – Jan 2016


Written and oral work

understanding of the

relevant ideas, theories and

show restricted

subject content

models with some level of

command of format,

accuracy but no independent

structure, language

analysis or synthesis

(including lexis) and

Demonstrates little
awareness of the
breadth or depth of


Has a limited ability
to identify new
information from




Needs guidance to be

methods with limited

able to make


judgements on how to
complete work

Makes little use of new
information- the ability to

selected sources


Can respond to given source
material using techniques and

content knowledge

Draws on a limited range of


Is dependent on

read efficiently and critically

others to address

is limited

tasks and is rarely

Work demonstrates a limited
response to the demands of


Lacks consistent
organisation and time

the assignment






Demonstrates little

Draws on limited ideas,


Written and oral work

or no understanding

theories and models with

show little or no

of the subject

occasional accuracy but no

command of format,


independent analysis or

structure, language


(including lexis) and

Demonstrates no
awareness of the




breadth or depth of

material using techniques and

content knowledge

methods with limited

Is unable to identify
new information from


selected sources



Responds to given source

Needs support to be
able to complete work


Is entirely dependent

Makes no use of new

on others to support

information- is unable to read

learning and


participation in tasks

Work demonstrates a poor
response to the demands of
the assignment

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