economic cost of conflict/ “Syrian conflict”
by analysing the impact of the conflict on the neighbouring countries ,its affect on the GDP of these countries such as IRAQ, Turkey,Lebanon and Jordan and how the conflict spill over affected the neighbouring countries by :
1-external military spendings.
2-ethnic linkages.
3-fragility of the neighbouring states.
5-refugee crisis.
Main tasks:the writer must collect data (world, SIPRI,Penn world tables,data stream)for each country through the past 20years so he/she will be able to run a regression for each one and get results for discussion.
The writer must include two regression as I discussed with my supervisor :
1- GDPit= ai + Militarya2 + UNit + Ethinityit + Fragilityit
2-Period of Syrian Conflict + Number of Refugees (panel regression)
This dissertation is UK based and the quality is very important also if it’s possible for the writer to stay in touch while doing my work and keep updating me, and if the writer has any question or advice he/she will be more than welcome.
economic cost of conflict/ “Syrian conflict”

economic cost of conflict/ “Syrian conflict”

economic cost of conflict/ “Syrian conflict”
by analysing the impact of the conflict on the neighbouring countries ,its affect on the GDP of these countries such as IRAQ, Turkey,Lebanon and Jordan and how the conflict spill over affected the neighbouring countries by :
1-external military spendings.
2-ethnic linkages.
3-fragility of the neighbouring states.
5-refugee crisis.
Main tasks:the writer must collect data (world, SIPRI,Penn world tables,data stream)for each country through the past 20years so he/she will be able to run a regression for each one and get results for discussion.
The writer must include two regression as I discussed with my supervisor :
1- GDPit= ai + Militarya2 + UNit + Ethinityit + Fragilityit
2-Period of Syrian Conflict + Number of Refugees (panel regression)
This dissertation is UK based and the quality is very important also if it’s possible for the writer to stay in touch while doing my work and keep updating me, and if the writer has any question or advice he/she will be more than welcome.