: earthquakes and Hurricane For course project part 3 you will select one of the disasters you were assigned for part one of this class. You will then write 1 news
release/press release which should fill about one full page. You will want to give the public information regarding your disaster. Things you should include may be
what the current situation is or what the event is, what actions you want the public to take, should they evacuate, should they shelter in place, should they go to a
shelter, where the shelter is, where can they find a Point of Distribution (POD), will damage assessment be done, just to name a few things. What ever you include
needs to be relevant to your disaster. Do not say that people are going to shelter in place for a Hurricane. You can go to https://www.fema.gov/quakesmart-toolkit-
take-action-templates to find templates for writing this document. I would recommend using template B and D as this is what I will be grading against. Another place
you can look for ideas is http://health.mo.gov/living/lpha/toolkit/ at the bottom where it says "New Release Templates". I would recommend googling
"Examples of Emergency Management New Releases" for more ideas and examples on what to include in the message.
earthquakes and Hurricane For course project part 3 you will select one of the disasters you were assigned for part one of this class