This assessment focuses on your ability to develop an ePortfolio that you will build upon throughout your nursing program and your professional nursing career. The use of an ePortfolio, as a student, will facilitate your personal reflections and allow you to document
your individual professional development. Assessments undertaken in Global and National Health (NURS 1036) have prepared you to write forePortfolio, at a beginning level. Similarly, the Learning Plan in this course (Assessment Task 1) will assist you to identify your learning needs based upon the Course Objectives and the NMBA (2006) National Competency Standards for the RN. The practical ePortfolio session,undertaken in the Pre-Clinical Workshop (Workshop session 5) will enable you to set up an ePortfolio. The private reflection journal, which you complete during the Professional Placement, will demonstrate your ability to reflect on your learning.
The following is considered;
equivalent to the length of2,500 words for this assessment task:
Practical on-campus session (4 hours) on setting up an ePortfolio.Setting up own profile
Essential e-Portfolio documents for submission NURS 1055:
ELA: Foundation Practicum
1 (NURS 1055) Learning Plan Evidence Summary (Part 3 Assessment Task 1)
ELA: Foundation Practicum 1 (NURS 1055) Professional Placement
Journal (Private Reflection)
ELA: Foundation Practicum 1 (NURS 1055) Personal Student Immunisation Record
ELA: Foundation Practicum 1
(NURS 1055) Medication Calculation Test
ELA: Foundation Practicum 1 (NURS 1055) NCASlUniSA Tool (Assessment Task 2)
The following items
are suggestions for addition to your e-Portfolio. However, they are not essential documents for successful completion of NURS 1055.Non-essential e-Portfolio documents for submission NURS 1055:
Global and National Health (HLTH 1036) Assessment 2
Documentation for Clinical Practice
If you have already completed these items, you should upload them into your e-Portfolio. This list
will grow and evolve during your nursing program, and you should upload all relevant items upon completion.