“E-Business Strategy: How to Benefit From a Hype” and review its alignment between such models as SWOT and Five Forces and the e-business that it uses as a model. In your posting, address the following questions:
Logistics Information Management
Paper details:
Refer to the reading, “E-Business Strategy: How to Benefit From a Hype” and review its alignment between such models as SWOT and Five Forces and the e-business that it uses as a model. In your posting, address the following questions:
• What insights do traditional business strategy analyses offer to an Information Technology or Information Systems professional?
• How might these analyses promote or empower effective SISP?
• Are there shortcomings to these strategies? For example, what intrinsic Information Technology realities might transcend the limitations of these analyses?
• How might you apply the model developed in the article to your organization or an organization with which you are familiar?
Logistics Information Management
E-business strategy: how to benefit from a hype
Floris P.C. van HooftRobert A. Stegwee
Article information:
To cite this document:
Floris P.C. van HooftRobert A. Stegwee
, (2001),”E-business strategy: how to benefit from a hype”, Logistics Information
Management, Vol. 14 Iss 1/2 pp. 44 – 54
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E-business strategy:
how to benefit from a
Floris P.C. van Hooft and
Robert A. Stegwee
Forecasts that predict the size of online
trading revenues in the near future vary
widely from a few hundred billion to a few
trillion dollars. Who might be right is a guess,
but one thing is sure, it will be big! When you
have to believe the articles that are written by
several Internet gurus, your business will not
exist any more in a few years’ time. Within
organisations the feeling prevails that one
cannot afford to sit back and wait. However,
it is often not possible to turn the organisation
around 180 degrees, as the gurus want you to.
This can be caused by lack of management
support, insufficient budgets, an
organisational culture that will not support
the changes needed to make it work, or many
other reasons. This paper presents a set of
tools to enable managers to identify where in
the organisation and how an organisation can
benefit from the e-business hype without
taking the revolutionary and radical path.
King and Clift (2000) argue that the “e” ±
will soon be dropped and that e-business will
be business as it comes to be generally
understood. In this paper, various already
existing models and theories will be used. We
argue that these models and theories still
apply when looking from a new e-business
perspective. Examples will be given of
possible applications to demonstrate the use
of these models. However, we do not aim at
giving an exhaustive and complete
description; organisations are too different
from each other and new developments arise
every day. Every model and every example
will have to be adapted to fit within a specific
situation. We aim at providing a framework
that describes a process, which in the end will
give directions on where e-business
opportunities can be found.
Based on a definition used by IBM, we
define e-business as “a secure, flexible and
integrated approach to delivering
differentiated business value by combining
the systems and processes that run core
business operations with the simplicity and
reach made possible by Internet technology”.
This implies that e-business is more than just
a Web shop on the Internet and can reach
into every aspect of the organisation.
As e-business will be introduced into an
existing organisation, there will be various
areas that have to be taken into account when
developing an e-business strategy. To
The authors
Floris P.C. van Hooft
is a student of Industrial
Engineering and Management and
Robert A. Stegwee
Professor and Chair of the Department of Business
Information Systems, University of Twente, Enschede,
The Netherlands.
Business strategy, Strategic information systems,
Information management, Electronic commerce,
Information technology, Internet
A fundamental approach to setting up an e-business
initiative is needed to fully utilise the capabilities of
Internet technology in a specific business setting. Such an
initiative has to build on the strengths of the organisation
and take full advantage of the opportunities in the
market, meanwhile identifying costly unsuccessful
projects and preventing unwanted market disturbances
introduced by carelessly designed e-commerce solutions.
In this paper, a method is presented for the development
of an e-business, based on research in the area of
strategic information systems planning. The proposed
method is designed to help clarify a strategic e-business
vision and to solicit management commitment to change
and take action on new business opportunities. In
addition, it takes into account the unique possibilities of
an organisation’s IT architecture, thus further advancing
the value of past investments in IT.
Electronic access
The research register for this journal is available at
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is
available at
Logistics Information Management
Volume 14
Number 1/2
pp. 44±53