The journey to discovering your theoretical orientation will involvemyriad experiences (past and present), as well as beinfluenced by your culture, community,and the variety of people who have had or will have some influence on your personal and professional development. It isimportant to keep in mind that finding or discovering your theoretical orientationis a “journey”…meaning it will not happen over night.Acounselor may work with a clientwho holds values or beliefs that are different from his or her own.As such, it is important forcounselors to be aware of their own values and beliefs, and how they were shaped and formed.Thismodule’s discussion topic isdesigned to help youbegin to articulate your life philosophy, meaning understanding who you are, how you view life, and how you perceive what has impacted who you are and your views of man kind. Your life philosophy is shaped by numerous variables, and will play an important role inchoosing the theory that resonates most with you. Ultimately, that theory willguide your work with clients in the future.Pleaseread chapters 1 and 2 in Halbur and Halbur and answer the following questions:1.Do you believe most people are inherently good or inherently bad? (INHERENTLY GOOD) Be sure to elaborate.2.What isyour cultural background? (Raided by a poor teen single mother in a small town. I am in a large city and have been for 20 years and I am a member of a methodist church) Remember, culture is broad andnot one-dimensional.3. How do you believeyour cultural backgroundhas shaped your ideas or beliefs about peopleANDabout people who are different from you? (I was raised with very small town insight. I always thought there was something wrong with what I was being told. Now that I live in a culturual devierse are and have been able to think for myself I was right. There is so much more to people and life.) This may involve a courageous conversation here.4. What do you value/What are your values? (I value people and our community. I want to meet people where they are at.)5. How would you describe the intersection between your culture and your values? Very Different
Due at 8 am in the morning