ARTICLE SUMMARY – Introduction to Human Services
Due Date: April 16th
Turn in your summary by uploading the document at Blackboard before midnight on the due date.
Don’t forget to type your name on the first page of your document, insert page numbers, use a 12
point font, and focus on academic (professional) writing. Please do not include any cover pages.
What should go into my Article Summary?How should it be formatted?
An article summary should include a few paragraphs that describe (in your own words) the main
point or points of the article. Be sure to clearly cite in the article in-text at the beginning of your
The summary should include at least one paragraph that describes (in your own words) the main point
or points of the article. Because you are summarizing a research article, it is important to have a
paragraph that describes how the author(s) conducted the research and at least one paragraph that
summarizes the results of their research. You do not need to describe everything in the article, but
you should certainly describe how the research was conducted (the methods) and what the main
results were.Do not use first-person singular or plural – no “I” or “we”.
Overall, an article summary should give the reader a good sense of what the source is all about.
An article summary typically ranges from 3 to 6 paragraphs (depending on how you organize it). Some
articles are more complicated than others and may require a longer summary. Typically a summary
should be between 1 and 3 pages in length (typed, double-spaced).
An article summary should be written in a formal academic style without the use of personal or
second-person reference (do not use “I” or “you”). Do notincludeyouropinions, but instead describe
the research in a scientific and formal way.
You must include an APA formatted in-text citation to refer to your article within the first few
sentences of your summary.
Finally at the end of your document, present the full reference– and APA-formatted reference
(citation) for the article.References should be the title, and should be on their own page.
How do I find an Article to summarize?
Go to the National Organization of Human Services (NOHS) to find the Journal of Human Services at
http://www.nationalhumanservices.org/journal-of-human-services. Choose one of the Research
Articles or the Conceptual Articles to summarize for this assignment from thecurrent journal article
that is free to view. You will find the current journal article link under “More Information”.
How will this be graded?
See next page for grading rubric
Article Summary Grading Rubric
Exemplary (A)
Proficient (B)
Needs work (C)
Poor (D or F)
Main points
The main points of the
article are summarized
accurately and
Most main points are
Some main points are
summarized. Contains a
few inaccuracies or
Most of the main points
are not addressed.
Contains many
Restatement of and
Expansion of Ideas
Summary contains no
sentences pulled verbatim
from the article and
expansion is evident.
No sentences pulled
verbatim from the article
but expansion is limited.
A few sentences are
pulled verbatim from the
article but there is little
There is little, if any,
restatement of ideas.
Research Methods
Research procedures are
described clearly (may
include population
sampled, methods
employed, etc)
The general method of
the research is described
without adequate detail.
A few sentences are
pulled verbatim from the
article or methods are
inadequately described.
There is little, if any,
description of how the
research was conducted.
Number of paragraphs
Four or more paragraphs
are use to clearly and yet
concisely summarize the
Three paragraphs or four
short paragraphs are
Two to three short
paragraphs are used to
summarize the article
One or two short
paragraphs are used to
summarize the article
Summary is organized in a
logical way
Summary is mostly
Summary shows some
degree of organization
Summary lacks any
Writing style
The writing style is crisp,
fluent, academic,
professional and precise.
The writing style is clear
and functional.
The writing style is
sometimes awkward,
vague, and/or choppy
Writing style is awkward
with many errors
Grammar and spelling
No spelling errors; No
grammatical errors
One or two spelling or
grammatical errors
A few spelling or
grammatical errors
Numerous spelling and
grammatical errors
General Format
Paper is typed in 12-point
font, double-spaced,
name typed on top of
paper, page numbers,
normal margins
Paper is typed with one
formatting irregularity
Paper is typed but
contains 2 -3 formatting
More than three
formatting irregularities
APA formatted in-text
In-text citation provided
correctly early in the
In-text citation provided
early in the summary;
minor errors
Incorrect in-text
citation(s) presented;
placement needs work;
minor errors
No in-text citation(s)
APA formatted citation
presented in References
section at end of paper
Perfect APA format
One or two small errors
A few errors or more
Many errors
On time
On time
Rubric: Article Summary Assignment
dr sidney article is on page 17-29
September 30th, 2017 generalw7c