Each student is expected to prepare one current event relevant to the topics being discussed in this class. A one-page report is to be prepared to explain the event, and to explain why you feel it is relevant to the class.
You may find articles in newspapers or magazines, on-line, or even a personal event.
The topics that discussed in the class (choose one):
1-Managing Diversity: Releasing Every Employees Potential .
2-Developing and Leading Effective Teams.
I uploaded some information for the two topics to have clear idea.The book (Organizational Behavior; Robert Kreitner & Angelo Kinicki, McGraw-Hill Irwin, 10h Edition, ISBN 978-0-07-802936-3)Please double-space your event and the source for the internet and provide URL for it. Do not plagiarize. Please do not use high vocabularies and make it sample to understand. thanks
Double-space your event and the source for the