Topic: DooHyeJin – Employment Relations Essay
Description: [?]
Preferred language style: English (U.K.)
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instrution, and marking criteira, please ask writer to write based on
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instrution, and marking criteira, please ask writer to write based on
the marking criteria format************************
Content | 15 marks |
Contains a clear argument and answers the question
Out of 4 marks |
4 marks – states sophisticated argument clearly in intro and supports argument in the essay body |
3 marks – states a correct argument clearly in the introduction and supports argument in the essay body | |
2 marks – states an argument, may not be particularly strong or clear, in the introduction and some support for argument in body | |
1 mark – states an argument somewhere in the essay | |
0 marks – essay contains no argument | |
Use of examples
Out of 3 marks |
3 marks – uses relevant and timely examples throughout essay to demonstrate the theory |
2 marks – uses a few relevant and timely examples | |
1 marks – attempts to use examples, may not be the most relevant or timely | |
0 marks – uses no examples in essay, or examples that are incorrect or not relevant at all | |
Provides clear links to ER theory
Out of 3 marks |
3 marks – all examples are clearly linked back to relevant ER theories |
2 marks – some of the examples are clearly linked back to relevant ER theories | |
1 mark – there is some attempt at linking examples back to ER theories | |
0 marks – no links back to ER theories | |
Research and use of sources
Out of 5 marks |
5 marks – more than 6 academic sources of high quality and relevance – including the compulsory article – are found and used in essay correctly (this means they have all been cited at least once and that long direct quotes are not used). |
4 marks – 6 relevant, good quality academic sources used correctly in essay, OR more than 6 relevant academic sources found and used, of moderately good quality and relevance (incl compulsory article) | |
3 marks – 6 relevant academic sources found and used correctly in essay (including compulsory article) | |
2 marks – less than 6 academic sources used correctly in essay OR compulsory article was not used | |
1 mark – between 4 and 5 academic sources used in essay | |
0 mark – less than 3 academic sources used in essay |
Formatting | 8 marks |
Grammar and spelling
Out of 3 marks |
3 marks – grammar and spelling of a high standard, easy to understand sentences |
2 marks – moderate level of grammar and spelling, easy to understand sentences | |
1 marks – many errors in grammar and spelling | |
0 marks – very hard to understand, multiple errors | |
Reference List
Out of 2 marks |
2 marks – contains all sources cited in essay and matches citations used in essay, listed in alphabetical order using APA style, with surnames first |
1 mark – some errors, but still contains all sources cited in essay | |
0 marks – multiple errors, OR, does not contain all sources cited in essay | |
Out of 3 marks |
3 marks – correct citations in APA style (author, date, page number or section) used appropriately throughout essay |
2 marks – mostly correct citations in APA style used appropriately throughout essay | |
1 mark – citations used in correct places, but missing elements such as page numbers, date or author name OR not used appropriately | |
0 marks – citations not used correctly for most of essay |
Structure | 7 marks |
Proper structure of introduction and conclusion
Out of 3 marks |
3 marks – well constructed introduction and conclusion. Intro contains argument, context, structure of essay and conclusion re-states arguments and summarises main points of essay |
2 marks – intro contains argument and context, conclusion provides a summary of some of the main points of essay | |
1 mark – introduction and conclusion do not contain some of the elements required and are of poor quality | |
0 marks – intro does not contain argument, or intro and conclusion of very poor standard | |
Proper structure of paragraphs
Out of 2 marks |
2 marks – all paragraphs contain from 3 to 7 sentences and cover one main topic or point. |
1 mark – some paragraphs meet the required standard | |
0 marks – paragraphs are almost all of the wrong length or do not cover one main topic | |
Links from paragraphs to main argumentOut of 2 marks | 2 marks – all, or most paragraphs are linked back to the argument |
1 mark – some paragraphs are linked back to the argument | |
0 marks – most paragraphs are not linked back to the argument |
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