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Domestic Violence ;

Domestic Violence ;

The goal of this research paper is to explore crime from the psychological perspective. Students are encouraged to explain how our psychological and social environments contribute to criminal behavior. In this assignment, students must complete a 1375 word outline of their final paper.
? In the outline, the student must show how they intend to cover all of the required content listed below.
? Each section of the outline must also be labeled with a reference to at least one scholarly source they intend to base their conclusions on.
? You must also submit a summary of the information you intend to use from each of your sources.
The information below will be detailed in your FINAL paper which is due in 3 weeks but, for the above assignment, consider the following points:
In the first part of the research paper,
? define domestic violence but do NOT simply restating the Model Penal Code or a state statute. Instead use multiple sources to list the common elements of the crime.
Once you have ‘defined’ the crime’ – put the crime in perspective.
Although there are many different scenarios in which a person can be found guilty, provide a real-world example to place the crime into perspective. For example, cite and describe a case.
? Then provide statistics related to the typical offender who commits that type of crime
? Then provide a brief profile of typical victims of this crime.
? Once you have sufficiently described the crime in the first part of the paper, provide at least 10 research studies analyzing the crime from both the offender and victim perspective.
These studies should focus on the
? Psychological aspects of the crime.
? Social aspects of the crime.
? Psychosocial aspects of the crime.
? Psycho-biology aspects of the crime.
For example only, a student writing about intimate partner violence should describe the ‘Battered Women’s Syndrome’. This is not only a common defense, but a psychological disorder that has been studied. Each student regardless of their topic, is encouraged to examine how mental disease is a factor in the crime from either the offender or victim perspective or both. In the final part of the paper, explain how the field of psychology is actively preventing, intervening and/or treating criminal offenders and victims.
? Research whether there are any specific psychological services related to their particular topic.
Your final paper is due in 3 weeks and should be 12-15 pages in lengh and include at least 10 references.

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Domestic Violence

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