Do strategic capabilities of a firm influence its overseas operations?
(1) The essay should be no longer than 1,000 words (excluding references). Credit will be given
Discussions of key issues and their context.
Reference to literature.
Case discussions.
Conclusions and recommendations.
Overall coherence and consistency.
(2) The essay needs to demonstrate the understanding of Global Strategy lectures, and should
include some cases discussed in seminars on the Global Strategy module.
(3) For students who select question one, you are expected to discuss different learning benefits
a firm can gain from foreign markets.
(4) For students who select question two, you are expected to discuss different types of strategic
capabilities that influence the success of overseas expansions for a firm.
(5) An introduction (about 100 words) to an essay should address itself directly to the question
or topic you have been asked to discuss. The analysis section (about 800 words) of the essay
should describe your response to an essay question. You need to cite and discuss a few
relevant literature on your chosen topic in the analysis section. You also need to discuss
relevant cases in the analysis. The conclusion (about 100 words) of an essay should
summarize the main findings.
(6) The essay should be properly referenced in Harvard style only.
(9) Students are required to show evidence of an extensive use of various well established and
reputable literature sources (i.e. journal articles, books and other sources of information).
(10) You are expected to include at least 15 useful literature sources in this essayNeed aProfessionalWriter to Work on this Paper?
Do strategic capabilities of a firm influence its overseas operations?
August 8th, 2017 admin