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Questiondiscussion week 6
Describe some of your take-aways from this course. Consider all of the topics including use of digital tools when responding. Reflect on Chapter 7, Mills (2014) and the discussion on a variety of challenges action researchers face when implementing positive change. Do not respond in list form. These are merely prompts to get you thinking:
What concepts or principles have you learned from this course that you might use in your work setting?
How do you feel about conducting action research now, compared to before you started this course?
Describe how you perceive the value of qualitative and quantitative data when considering improvements.
How do you plan to use the knowledge you gained in this course to be a positive change agent in your own work setting? In other words, what are your next steps?
What potential challenges or obstacles do you predict facing in your current or future role as an educator when implementing positive change (lack of resources, resistance to change, reluctance to interfere with others professional practices, reluctance to admit difficult truths, difficulty finding a forum to share what you have learned, lack of time for action research endeavors, unsupportive administration, other)?Describe how you would apply what you have learned regarding the challenges of implementing educational change to overcome potential obstacles that you may encounter in taking action.
Guided Response: Respond to a minimum of two classmates. *It is expected you follow-up by the last day of the week to provide a secondary response to any comments or questions your instructor may have provided. This is part of the grading criteria as a demonstration of critical thinking.
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discussion week 6

Discussion – Week 6

Discussion – Week 6Discussion: Homeostatic Imbalance in the Digestive, Urinary, and Reproductive Systems
Homeostatic imbalance can be difficult to detect in systems that are completely internal. However, the systems studied during this week all interface, in some way, with the world outside the body. An upset stomach, discolored urine, and irregular menstrual cycles are all symptoms of possible illness. They represent opportunities to monitor your own health—and homeostasis—without requiring expensive machinery or extensive medical training. In this Discussion, you continue your exploration of a health condition and homeostatic imbalance through the lens of these three systems.
To prepare for this Discussion:
• Review the digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems in this week’s Learning Resources. Investigate how your assigned health condition impacts those systems. Select the system that is most significantly impacted.
• Determine whether your health condition impacts the system you selected directly or indirectly. Most health conditions have a profound impact on only a few of the systems. Remember that the systems of the body work collaboratively as a single week. A lack of homeostasis in one system often leads to dysfunction in other systems as well.
• Keep in mind that the health conditions identified in this course are selected because they have a direct or indirect impact on at least one of the systems in each week of the course. If you are struggling to identify the impact of your assigned condition to any of the systems in that week, contact your Instructor for assistance.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 4 a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis that describes the impact of your health condition on one of the systems studied in this week. The analysis should:
• Explain whether the health condition has a direct or indirect effect on the system you chose, explaining why this system was impacted more than the other systems studied during this week.
• Describe how the pathology of the health condition causes a homeostatic imbalance in the system.
• Analyze the body’s reactions to the health condition as it attempts to re-establish homeostasis.