A good first step in getting started with this class is to review this tutorial that will introduce you to the main concepts covered in Modules 1-4 including the “4 Ps”:
Introduction to marketing. (2014). Pearson Learning Solutions. New York, NY.
Now get started on the main topic of this module, the first of the “4 Ps” – Product. The following tutorial will introduce you to some of the main concepts of this module:
Products and services. (2014). Pearson Learning Solutions. New York, NY.
Finally, delve deeper into this topic with the following two book chapters:
Richardson, N. & Gosnay, R. (2010). Chapter 5: Product management. Creating Success: Develop Your Marketing Skills. Kogan Page Ltd., London, GBR. [Ebrary]
Note: When looking up books in Ebrary, don’t copy the entire reference into the search engine. Instead only include the name of the author and the title of the book. For example, to find this book, enter the following search terms into the search engine:
Richardson Creating Success: Develop Your Marketing Skills]
Paley, N. (2007). Chapter 7: How to manage your product strategy. Marketing Strategy Desktop Guide (2nd Edition). London, GBR: Thorogood, London, GBR .[Ebrary]
Under “Optional Readings” are three additional textbooks that go into more detail that are useful if you would like to see more examples of the concepts from this module.
In the background materials you had to go through some serious tutorials and book chapters, so for the discussion we’ll try to have some fun. In the 1970s an advertising executive named Gary Dahl became a millionaire by selling the “Pet Rock”, which was nothing more than a small, ordinary rock. Some new product ideas sound ridiculous, but once in a while people get rich off these seemingly ridiculous ideas.
For this discussion, find the most ridiculous product that you can that is currently being sold or marketed. Share the link or article about this product with your classmates. You may be puzzled as to why any company would offer such a product, but try your best to explain what you think the marketing executives at this company were thinking when they introduced this product.
While you should have some fun with this discussion, make sure to use some of the terminology and discussion of the concepts from the background materials in your posts