You have been asked to investigate a new procedure that physicians would like nurses to adopt in the hospital. Discuss the process you would apply to determine whether the procedure falls within the RN scope of practice and how you would go about introducing the new procedure with physicians and fellow nurses.
discussion 1

As you heard in your lecture and read in your text, sociology is a science. Many students have problems associated with understanding this concept because their experience or someone they know does not fit into the scientific research findings. This is huge stumbling block in understanding sociology as a science, critical thinking, and, developing a sociological imagination. This discussion is designed to help you understanding sociology is a science. Begin your discussion by listing two factors that may hinder you in developing a sociological imagination (please do not begin your discussion until you have reviewed the lectures and read your chapters for this module) and list one factor that you plan to use to help you understand the scientific nature of the discipline as well as help you develop a sociological imagination.