Discussed the various types of disaster preparedness that your Leader Mentor has in place at his/her facility
List your Leader Mentor’s Networking Avenues
Summarize why your Leader Mentor chooses the above manners in which to Network
Discussed how your Leader Mentor keeps up with Critical Issues for his/her leadership and/or Facility
Report if your Leader Mentor has a plan for Succession…and why or why not
Discussed all of the above in an interesting manner utilizing ‘gems’ of wisdom and advice from the Leader Mentor
Distinguished above issues related to what the ‘text’ states versus what your Leader Mentor ‘experiences’ in the Real World
Textbook:Amer, K.S. (2013). Quality and safety for transformational nursing: Core competencies. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. [ISBN: 978-0-13-272412-8]
Sullivan, E.J. (2012). Effective leadership and management in nursing (8thed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. [ISBN978-0-13-281-454-6]