Compare federally recognized Indians and also non-federally recognized Indians. What hiring preferences do federally recognized Indians have that the others do not, if any. Also, use the cases US V SANDOVAL and SANTA CLARA PUEBLO V US to explain and also explain how these two cases effect the definition of who is an Indian. Also, bring in the cases of MANCARI V MORTON & THE TEE-HIT-TON INDIANS V US to further elaborate. These last two cases are not the major cases that need to be elaborated on but the first two are the main cases. However, use all cases to explain the difficulty in defining who is an Indian. Also, what ACTS or LAWS were passed based on the outcome of these cases. Such as the equal opportunity acts or Indian reorganization acts. Explain in detail, not just one or two sentences on each subject. Also, what did these cases and acts accomplish, if anything, did they help or hurt the Indians and what is your opinion of the definition of an Indian
Discuss the difficulty in defining who is an Indian.