the What is My Level of PsyCap self-assessment.Write a 1000-word paper in which you include the following: PART ONE you may write in first person Explain why you agree or disagree with your results. Discuss how your results relate to creating a strategy to advance your career using your strengths. How can you use goal-setting to increase motivation and improve job performance? How might your engagement as an employee and job satisfaction influence job performancePART TWO Discuss at least 2 of the following motivational theories and explain specific things an organization can do to motivate employees based on these two theories Extrinsic motivation Intrinsic motivation McGregors Theory X and Theory Y Maslows Needs Hierarchy Acquired needs theory Self-determination theory Herzbergs theory of motivation Equity theory Expectancy theoryFormat your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Include at least two references (that are used as citations in the paper) from peer reviewed journal articles
Discuss at least 2 of the following motivational theories and explain specific things an organization can do to motivate employees based on these two theories.