Prose Emerson & Thoreau Setting: The Condor Hotel, Brooklyn, New York City at dinner time. Three hotel chairs (able to roll and spin) are placed at the centre of the stage. An elderly man looking both whimsical and cynical takes a seat on one of the chairs. The man is dressed in a black suit and looks very official. The sight of this man makes a person to believe that actually the man is an author. The man looks a beat serious. He is engrossed in a newspaper. (Another elderly man named Thoreau enters. Emerson suddenly enters while humming some tune). THOREAU: Hey! You have finally come to meet me at this place? EMERSON: What are you talking about man? THOREAU: It is only that I thought you will not honor my invitation to come to this place. EMERSON: Why do you think I would not have come to this place? THOREAU:
Diner Prose Emerson & Thoreau Custom Essay