Project 2: Presentation (Due Apr 15) | |
Instructions | |
Digital media has changed the ways ideas, information, and arguments in society are communicated both locally and globally. Individuals and organizations frequently use digital media as a means to influence individuals and organizations. Students are required to identify news stories which demonstrate how digital media has been used to influence or has changed core business processes within organizations or for individuals. You will then create a presentation (using an application like PowerPoint) which interprets and analyzes how the messages within the digital media were used to guide decision-making.
Keep in mind the 7 x 7 rule with presentation software, which effectively states no more than 7 words per bullet and 7 bullets per slide. This something to keep in mind to assist in effectively communicating information and not a specific requirement of the project. NOTE: Assigned work should be submitted on time. You will have a long lead time in which to prepare, ask questions, and seek help. Therefore, unless a major accident, illness, work assignment, or other extenuating circumstance prevents you from submitting work on time, late assignments will be subject to a late submission penalty and will lose 10 percent (1 letter grade) per day up to 5 days. No assignment will be accepted after 5 days without an approved, documented excuse |
Digital media and society project 2
April 15th, 2017 admin