Digital Marketing Manager
Aim: There is an ever-growing need in the Digital World to manage an increasing amount of
data received by and managed by Companies. This assignment will test and build your skills
and knowledge in that arena. It will also enable you to develop practical skills and a working
understanding of Digital Marketing data analysis concepts and technologies. Attain
knowledge of various digital marketing analysis tools and techniques, and how to present
your findings.
Part 1:
You are the Digital Marketing Manager at Tourism Australia and you have a digital campaign
coming up that will promote Australia as a desirable travel destination.
You need to decide who your target audience will be and which digital marketing channels will
be most suitable to use in your campaign activity.
You can research Tourism Australia to see what they have done in the past to get some ideas
to help plan your activity but you should come up with your own digital marketing plan for this
This part of your assignment should be no more than 1 – 2 pages and outline: your target
audience, a short description of the type of campaign that you will launch, and the digital
marketing channels that you will use.
Word Count Part 1 – 1000
Part 2:
You will need to complete an audit and analysis of the digital campaign results that have been
supplied to you in a number of Excel documents.
You should review the data and provide a summary of the campaign performance overall, as
well as, each of the individual digital channels that you included in your campaign (i.e.
website report, email report, search marketing report, etc….)
The reports have been supplied as Excel documents to give you flexibility to further analyse
the data if you choose to (possibly to create some graphs/tables to include in your summary,
or, to calculate the % growth or decline from month to month).
You will be rewarded with additional marks for using this data to draw further analysis and
You should provide a conclusion as to whether you think the campaign was successful along
with a recommendation of which digital marketing channels worked best and which channels
you may consider using in future campaigns.
You should make reference to 2 or 3 current digital marketing campaigns (these can be from
any industry/business) that you’ve seen in market; what you liked about it, and how you think
Tourism Australia could consider a similar idea in their next campaign. (For example: it may
be an email you’ve received, display advertising banner, or maybe a competition of some kind
in social media)
Part 2 Word Count 2000
§ Assignment Marking Guide
N = Not shown, P = Pass, C = Credit, D = Distinction, HD = High Distinction
Element N P C D HD Comments
Executive Summary (5%)
Content (75%)
Part 1 Planning the campaign
Target Audience – selection and
profile (5%)
Digital Channel selection (10%)
Part 2 Analysing the data (60%)
Audit and analysis of data sets
Further analysis of data (5%)
Summary of Campaign
Performance (25%)
Reference to current Digital
Marketing Campaigns (5%)
Style (10%)
Presentation of document –
including how the results are
presented to Management
Structure of plan
Coherency and ease of reading
Professionalism and attention to
Adherence to directions in
assignment brief
Analysis (10%)
Depth of Analysis provided in the
report and analysis of current digital
campaigns in the market.
Overall Grade: N P C D HD
Digital Marketing Manager

Digital Marketing Manager

Digital Marketing Manager
Aim: There is an ever-growing need in the Digital World to manage an increasing amount of
data received by and managed by Companies. This assignment will test and build your skills
and knowledge in that arena. It will also enable you to develop practical skills and a working
understanding of Digital Marketing data analysis concepts and technologies. Attain
knowledge of various digital marketing analysis tools and techniques, and how to present
your findings.
Part 1:
You are the Digital Marketing Manager at Tourism Australia and you have a digital campaign
coming up that will promote Australia as a desirable travel destination.
You need to decide who your target audience will be and which digital marketing channels will
be most suitable to use in your campaign activity.
You can research Tourism Australia to see what they have done in the past to get some ideas
to help plan your activity but you should come up with your own digital marketing plan for this
This part of your assignment should be no more than 1 – 2 pages and outline: your target
audience, a short description of the type of campaign that you will launch, and the digital
marketing channels that you will use.
Word Count Part 1 – 1000
Part 2:
You will need to complete an audit and analysis of the digital campaign results that have been
supplied to you in a number of Excel documents.
You should review the data and provide a summary of the campaign performance overall, as
well as, each of the individual digital channels that you included in your campaign (i.e.
website report, email report, search marketing report, etc….)
The reports have been supplied as Excel documents to give you flexibility to further analyse
the data if you choose to (possibly to create some graphs/tables to include in your summary,
or, to calculate the % growth or decline from month to month).
You will be rewarded with additional marks for using this data to draw further analysis and
You should provide a conclusion as to whether you think the campaign was successful along
with a recommendation of which digital marketing channels worked best and which channels
you may consider using in future campaigns.
You should make reference to 2 or 3 current digital marketing campaigns (these can be from
any industry/business) that you’ve seen in market; what you liked about it, and how you think
Tourism Australia could consider a similar idea in their next campaign. (For example: it may
be an email you’ve received, display advertising banner, or maybe a competition of some kind
in social media)
Part 2 Word Count 2000
§ Assignment Marking Guide
N = Not shown, P = Pass, C = Credit, D = Distinction, HD = High Distinction
Element N P C D HD Comments
Executive Summary (5%)
Content (75%)
Part 1 Planning the campaign
Target Audience – selection and
profile (5%)
Digital Channel selection (10%)
Part 2 Analysing the data (60%)
Audit and analysis of data sets
Further analysis of data (5%)
Summary of Campaign
Performance (25%)
Reference to current Digital
Marketing Campaigns (5%)
Style (10%)
Presentation of document –
including how the results are
presented to Management
Structure of plan
Coherency and ease of reading
Professionalism and attention to
Adherence to directions in
assignment brief
Analysis (10%)
Depth of Analysis provided in the
report and analysis of current digital
campaigns in the market.
Overall Grade: N P C D HD
Digital Marketing Manager

Digital Marketing Manager
Aim: There is an ever-growing need in the Digital World to manage an increasing amount of
data received by and managed by Companies. This assignment will test and build your skills
and knowledge in that arena. It will also enable you to develop practical skills and a working
understanding of Digital Marketing data analysis concepts and technologies. Attain
knowledge of various digital marketing analysis tools and techniques, and how to present
your findings.
Part 1:
You are the Digital Marketing Manager at Tourism Australia and you have a digital campaign
coming up that will promote Australia as a desirable travel destination.
You need to decide who your target audience will be and which digital marketing channels will
be most suitable to use in your campaign activity.
You can research Tourism Australia to see what they have done in the past to get some ideas
to help plan your activity but you should come up with your own digital marketing plan for this
This part of your assignment should be no more than 1 – 2 pages and outline: your target
audience, a short description of the type of campaign that you will launch, and the digital
marketing channels that you will use.
Word Count Part 1 – 1000
Part 2:
You will need to complete an audit and analysis of the digital campaign results that have been
supplied to you in a number of Excel documents.
You should review the data and provide a summary of the campaign performance overall, as
well as, each of the individual digital channels that you included in your campaign (i.e.
website report, email report, search marketing report, etc….)
The reports have been supplied as Excel documents to give you flexibility to further analyse
the data if you choose to (possibly to create some graphs/tables to include in your summary,
or, to calculate the % growth or decline from month to month).
You will be rewarded with additional marks for using this data to draw further analysis and
You should provide a conclusion as to whether you think the campaign was successful along
with a recommendation of which digital marketing channels worked best and which channels
you may consider using in future campaigns.
You should make reference to 2 or 3 current digital marketing campaigns (these can be from
any industry/business) that you’ve seen in market; what you liked about it, and how you think
Tourism Australia could consider a similar idea in their next campaign. (For example: it may
be an email you’ve received, display advertising banner, or maybe a competition of some kind
in social media)
Part 2 Word Count 2000
§ Assignment Marking Guide
N = Not shown, P = Pass, C = Credit, D = Distinction, HD = High Distinction
Element N P C D HD Comments
Executive Summary (5%)
Content (75%)
Part 1 Planning the campaign
Target Audience – selection and
profile (5%)
Digital Channel selection (10%)
Part 2 Analysing the data (60%)
Audit and analysis of data sets
Further analysis of data (5%)
Summary of Campaign
Performance (25%)
Reference to current Digital
Marketing Campaigns (5%)
Style (10%)
Presentation of document –
including how the results are
presented to Management
Structure of plan
Coherency and ease of reading
Professionalism and attention to
Adherence to directions in
assignment brief
Analysis (10%)
Depth of Analysis provided in the
report and analysis of current digital
campaigns in the market.
Overall Grade: N P C D HD