Paper details:
-Discuss biopsychologica process, differences in limbic system development and discussion of aggression arousal in the brain (neuron firing), emotional levels, brain response, coping (how to “cool off” after the aggression in the brain) differences across genders
-delve into any specific biopsychological process
-using differences in limbic system development to discuss emotional differences (aggression) across the genders
-discuss gender differences related to your process/disorder of choice.
-explain this gender differences from a biopsychological perspective.
-biopsychology encompasses many related disciplines, but the common ground is the use of biological methods to study psychological processes. Sometimes we will look at things at the cellular level (ie. single-cell recordings); sometimes we will look at things at the chemical/molecular level (ie. differential release of neurotransmitter); sometimes we will look at things from the perspective of brain structure (ie. differences in size of grey/white matter); sometimes we will look at things from the perspective of brain function (ie. differences in blood flow as seen through functional MRI or PET); and sometimes we will look at things from a neuropsychological perspective (ie. performance of healthy/lesion patients on specific neuropsychological tests). All of these perspectives constitute biopsychological perspectives, and all are perfectly appropriate approaches to take in your report. Which approach(es) you take will very much depend on the topic you pick: gender differences in aggression may involve a discussion of relevant neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin (and perhaps MRI studies on brain structure/function); There is no right or wrong approach to take – as long as it’s a biopsychological approach.
-In order to accomplish learning objective #1, you are going to need to delve into the process/disorder you choose in more detail than we cover in lectures or the text. Indeed, you’re first going to need to identify the existence of gender differences in the process/disorder you choose. Then you’re going to need to explore the possible biopsychological bases for those differences. To accomplish these steps, I’m going to ask that you locate, read and reference at least 5 original scientific articles relevant to the issue/disorder you choose.
differences in limbic system development and emotional (aggression) differences across genders