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Difference in graphics processing, quality and performance between the PC and Xbox One

Difference in graphics processing, quality and performance between the PC and Xbox One

Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Vol II / Alfred Nischwitzview, Max Fischer, Peter Haber fields, Gudrun Socher

The use of reference books I have provided is not absolutely necessary, you can also use other books and sources

Guidelines for scientific work at the SAE Institute Last updated: September 22, 2014

General information
The following information is based on research papers SAE Institute in Diplom¬stufe and their typical extent of about 15-30 pages or 5,000-10,000 words.
It is recommended to read all the points before starting work and before submitting their work checked once again on the basis of this fact sheet, the extent to which

all points are berück¬sichtigt or fulfilled.
– If possible, from the global to detailed procedures and / or from the historical perspective on the future perspective.
– Ensure that the logical order of the bullets.
– The representation of a highly differentiated divide; typically four to five limb-insurance levels.
– The individual chapters to create a uniform scale differentiation – so avoid that one chapter is very finely divided while another, similar complex chapter is not or

only roughly structured.
– Literature, vendor and expert interviews
– Make sure that the sources for the study area relevant and (still) current
eil are.
– All the key concepts of work either define or be clarified by reference to sources.
– Make sure that the focus of the work meets the geweck th by the title of the work expectations.
– At the end of the work summarized the results.

Style, representation and reasoning
– Write reader-oriented.
– Target group: SAE student of diploma level.
– Avoid “German authorities”.
– Avoid Bloated pseudo-science style.
– Use a contemporary politically correct, non-discriminatory language (eg experts held a specialist), without affecting the readability (not “that the / translators /

in his / her opinion”).
– If possible, use a neutral and objective formulations.
– Hyperbole (hype), avoid using superlatives sparingly and, if necessary, as they provoke contradiction and make the work unnecessarily contestable.
– First person singular in moderation is acceptable to label their own positions (“in my opinion”).
– Do not use the third person singular as a reference to itself (not “the author says”).
– Do not use the first person plural for lonely own opinions (not: “We believe”).
– Ensure logical, coherent, consistent representation.
– Ensure concise yet clear presentation.
– When the subjects to develop a proper logical paragraph structure and do not make any complex sentence to a paragraph of its own.
– Relative clauses not charter out with more information than the corresponding law.
– Parentheses (ie insertions in parentheses or dashes) basically verwen¬den only in the function of explication, a comment or sources of information and use only so

that through them the readability and understanding of the text and er¬leichtert is not difficult.
– Avoid Fashionable foreign words in the scientific representation.
– Avoid prolixities and style variations.
– Avoid rather used as a function (not: but bring on the application: apply).
– Bullet points enumerations not embed in a sentence, but possibly connected to a double point.
– All words and syllables from the text remove that nothing in the statement intended change (eg no derating but reduction; does not include but contains no material

impact but not significantly affected).
– Improving text coherence with cross-references.
– Images with the body text at the appropriate point link verbally.
– Quotations sparingly and thoughtfully apply appropriate logical and possibly critical judgmental incorporated into the text, always note that quotes do not replace

their own arguments.

– Make sure that the aroused by headings expectations will be met by the text supplied-impaired.
– Titles with a Dezimalgliederungsnummer (up to six levels) provided (preferably with the outline automatic)
– Either not or highlight headings in bold or larger font.
– Still underline still blocking even use a mixture of different fonts to emphasize headings neither italics.
– Headings shall be sans serif (eg Arial) if the body text is serifenbetont (eg Times New Roman); The reverse case is unusual.

Notes / Footnotes
– Comments are limited to such information, which would interfere with the linear reasoning in body text, but which are nevertheless held worthy of mention.
– No significant information in the notes to hide.
– Comments (not as endnotes) format as footnotes.
– Footnotes uniform format.

– Examples (eg, to convey abstract matters).
– Use only those examples which illustrate actually meant.
– For examples cited, the source (s) specify.

Graphics / figures / tables
– Use pictures where a verbal presentation alone is unsuitable or-understandable or not enough.
– Do not use pictures that are merely decorative accessory.
– Text and figure captions not failed in gray areas.
– Where text on gray areas is unavoidable, ensure there is sufficient contrast and Les-availability.
– Picture size such that the essence is clearly visible – if in doubt rather too large than too small.
– Place pictures uniformly in the page layout – preferably centered horizontally.
– Select the line width in the individual images as uniform as possible.
– Structuring tables clearly and format to save space.
Avoid page breaks inside tables -.
– If necessary tables and figures as A3 sheet crosswise fold-out single bind.
– Figures and tables (automatic) number.
– Pictures throughout the work enumerate (Fig 1, Fig 2 …. Fig. 54..), Not by chapters (2-1, 2-2, 4-1 … ….. . Fig. 4-15).
– Figures and tables should be provided with titles and auflis¬ten in separate directories.
– Optionally provided illustrations with legends.
– Ensure compliance with the directories with the actual placements.
– For pictures that are not created by myself or by own power (eg by Einar-processing of reference arrows, legends) were processed, specify the source
(in the illustration directory).

Quotes / Sources
– Ensure that all direct quotes a precise character with the sources agree stim-men.
– Any omissions identify clear and consistent.
– Any errors of the original quote clearly marked with “(sic).”
– Spelling according to the old spelling is retained in the quote, but not marked with (sic).
– Mark all verbatim or in substance cited content with their source
– Distinguish between literal and indirect quotations.
Record in the bibliography only actually (literally or content) Cited Works -.
– Make sure that all the sources mentioned in the text are also mentioned in the bibliography.
– Make sure that the references in the text with the data to match exactly in Litera¬turverzeichnis.
– We make the bibliography uniform and systematic.
Spelling / punctuation / grammar
– Spelling and punctuation consistently either according to the new rules.
– Check all the words selected by the automatic spell check.
(see data sheet)
– Define margins consistent throughout the document (LR: 3cm, RR: 2.5cm, OR: 2.5cm, UR: 2.5 cm).
– Vote for the body text line spacing 1.0 to a maximum of 1.5.
– For indented quotations select line spacing 1.0.
– Select an unpretentious, clear and calm font (eg Times New Roman) or Arial.
– For the body text font size 12p choose.
– Vote for indented quotations font size 12p or 10p.
– Choose a smaller font size for footnotes to 2p as the indented quotations.

– Use text highlighting (emphasis added) economical and systematic.
– Do not use closures (not even in headers).
Avoid fat in the body text as possible -.
– Italic limit for labeling signifier in metalinguistic Äuße-ments and / or foreign expressions.
– Use quotation marks for short (max 1.5 lines.) Direct quotations in the flow-text, and marking of the signifier in meta-linguistic utterances.
– Enable hyphenation throughout the text.
– Use justified only in conjunction with hyphenation.
– In tables do not use a block set, but left-justified or centered.
– Set in bullet points lists and directories (content, literature, pictures, etc.) left-justified ragged.
– Check that nowhere over large spaces between words are present.
– Widows and orphans avoid – enable block protection.
– Work Page continuously.
– Same font for pagination (page numbering) and continuous text select, unless the pagination is above a horizontal line in a header with An¬gaben as author / title,

chapter; then suitable for header / pagination also a
sans serif font (eg Arial 8p), if the body text with a serif font (eg Times New Roman 12p) is set. The opposite case (pagination and / or header serifenbetont, body

text sans serif) is unusual and should be avoided.

Structuring of contents clearly.
Pictures in a list of figures (with page numbers).
List tables in a tabular list (with page numbers).
List abbreviations and associated long forms in a list of abbreviations.

– In the acknowledgments take into account all relevant persons.
– Ensure that Thanksgiving and independence declaration is not wider¬sprechen today.
declaration of independence
– Exactly as specified formulate, hand signed and include as the last sheet in the work.
– Make sure that declaration of independence and thanksgiving not wider¬sprechen today.


Make cover in accordance with Code -.
– On correct spelling of the name (institute, speakers) eighth.
– Specify when the speakers the academic title.
Print / Copy
– Before printing in the print preview on the screen, check that the text of all the page breaks away is completely free and repetition.
– Use the same type of paper for all the work when printing and copying.
– At least three copies on white paper with black lettering print or copy.
– Ensure that no pages (leaves) are missing or duplicated.
– Bind at least two copies robust let (Spiral-bound).
– Can be cut Upon binding edges (pay attention to any fold-out).
– Ensure that no pages (leaves) are missing or duplicated.
– Ensure that the independence declaration is included.


Notes on the GAME 414 students: Theoretical Thesis

Tax liability for Diploma receipt. For the issue of SAE Diplomas specialist work with 4.0 (70%) or better evaluated and the total final score above 4.0 (70%) must lie.
—    The review will take account of the final mark (12.5% of the final grade).
—    All advanced topics are possible after consultation with the specialist teachers as subjects.
—    There must be a game reference. The selected topics should be reasonably chosen with regard to the future development of the students. A discussion of the

topic with the subject teacher time before filing the preliminary breakdown is required!
—    Procedural requirements Thesis:
—    Cover sheet with name, topic, course, deadline, subject teachers, SAE Munich (no logo!) Table of contents with page numbers.
—    Structure of the Thesis: Decimal (chapter numbers (eg 1), subsections (eg 1.1, 1.2, 1.1.1, 1.2.4, etc …).) Or alphanumeric classification (I .; 1 .; a)

Source / bibliography (including Figures) add as an attachment.
—    Scope: 5000-10000 words (images, directories do not count)
—    The word count is indicated at the end of the work! independence declaration
—    Tax for the library on CD in PDF and RTF (Rich Text If problems power-> LibreOffice)
—    Formal proposals:
—    Font: 11 od 12 point font.. New Helvetica or Times New Roman.
—    Font color black.
—    Line spacing: 11/2 -fold line spacing
—    Margins: Left 3 cm for the purpose of binding. Up, down, right 2.5 cm
—    Page numbers: on every page except Cover
—    Quotes: If placed in quotation marks or italics and footnoted. An abbreviated source is placed in the footnote on the same page in which it appears. A complete

list of sources as attachment.
—    External form: single-sided sheets described with 80-100g / sqm. The work is bound (ring binding or perfect binding) cast.
—    Movie Examples: In film examples or – outs, it is possible to resolve a DVD in the Annex to which one can refer.
—    In consideration of the evaluation are:
—    Form, language, and of course content (logical structure and depth of the model), private ideas, proper citation and reference statements etc.
—    Plagiarism leads to non-receipt of the diplomas!


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