Dialogues with Death: The Last Days of Socrates and The Buddha
Order Description
Part 1
Read the article “Dialogues with Death: The Last Days of Socrates and The Buddha” and as you read, annotate the text by writing labels and brief comments in the left and right margins of the text, noting how each paragraph contributes to the scholar’s argument. (I will provide and example document demonstrating this). Left margin: next to each paragraph of the text, comment on what each paragraph says about the topic of the essay. Right margin: next to each paragraph of the text, comment on what each paragraph does to structure the argument. What is the purpose of each paragraph in making the scholar’s argument? Locate and label any or all of the following that apply; Topic/Background, Problem, Research Question, Thesis, Claims, Evidence, Counter-evidence/counter-argument, Rebuttal, Significance/implications.
Part 2
In a 2-page summary, state the main ideas and key points of the argument simply, objectively, and accurately in your own words in order to demonstrate that you understand the problem and question the author raises and the argument s/he makes to address the problem or answer the question. Do not judge or evaluate the scholar’s argument, just explain it and all of its relevant components: the problem, question, thesis, and main claims and evidence used to support the thesis. Pay attention to counter-arguments/evidence, how the author addresses the evidence supporting these alternative hypotheses, and how the author discusses the significance of the thesis and implications of it.
Dialogues with Death: The Last Days of Socrates and the Buddha
Author(s): Matthew Dillon
Source: Philosophy East and West, Vol. 50, No. 4 (Oct., 2000), pp. 525-558
Published by: University of Hawai’i Press
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1400282 .
Accessed: 15/09/2011 18:24
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