DiabetesIs Invokana more effective in reducing high blood sugar levels in patients with Type II Diabetes then Farxiga
These are 2 drugs that reduce blood sugar levels and they are being compared. The paper must be in AMA format, the professor stressed this multiple times. You must do a literature search and find a minimum of nine (9) articles on this topic (mentioned above) and create an evaluative annotated bibliography using at least nine of the articles retrieved along with a statement of what databases they searched to find the articles and research strategy used. The database MUST be from PubMed ONLY. The bibliography must follow AMA format. The relevance of the articles selected for the bibliography and review are up to date and are the best sources that you couldve found on the topic, the writing needs to be clear and lack mistakes in grammar, punctuation, and finally the critical thinking and analysis exhibited in the review paper. Please make sure you follow these guidelines and message me if you have any questions
Based on the articles in the annotated bibliography and any other articles retrieved you will have to write a narrative review of the research topic(mentioned above). This review must follow AMA format.
Diabetes ‘
Paper details:
Topic/ Issue to write about is Diabetes
Capstone Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines
In this Capstone paper, the student will have the opportunity to reflect on the knowledge and experience gained in the baccalaureate nursing program. The student will gather background information on a hospital problem affecting a particular population and will explore the literature in regard to the role nurses play in addressing or relieving the issue.
Ultimately, the student will be required to produce a three page evidence-based paper addressing a significant hospital issue. This evidence-based paper is due in two parts. In Part 1 of the Capstone Evidence based. Paper assignment, due in Unit 3, the student will identify and begin exploring a solution to a hospital issue. This first paper will provide the basis for, and will become part of, the Capstone Evidence-based.
• When selecting a hospital issue to be addressed in the assignment, the student is expected to draw fromone of the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint: health promotion and maintenance of health.
• Length of paper is 3 pages excluding the title page and the reference page.
• The sources cited both in text and on the reference page for this assignment will be formatted
according APA 6th edition guidelines.
• Minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed scholarly sources is required in support of the Capstone
Evidence-based Paper Part 1 assignment.
The assignment will include the following parts:
• TitlePage: (APA 6th edition formatting)
• Offer a detailed description of the statement of purpose for the paper.
• Identify the hospital issue which is the topic of the Capstone evidence based paper.
• A hospital issue or problem drawn from one of the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint: (Health promotion and maintenance of health).
• Population: Identifies the populationthat is impacted by the issue.
• Importance: Explains the importance of the issue to the health of the population as wellas identify the potential long-term negative effect if the issue is not addressed.
• Exploration of the literature-
Background: Provide summary of background information in describing the issue:
i. The effect of the issue on the population of interest.
ii. Identify at least one contributing factor.
iii. Identify potential negative effects of leaving the issue unresolved.
• Solution to the problem- Propose the best solution for solving the problem thatcan be carried out by a nurse through the use of appropriate evidence based data:
i. Peer-reviewed journal articles
ii. Scholarly sources
• Reference Page: (APA 6th edition formatting)
Diabetes ‘
Paper details:
Topic/ Issue to write about is Diabetes
Capstone Evidence-based Paper Part 1 Guidelines
In this Capstone paper, the student will have the opportunity to reflect on the knowledge and experience gained in the baccalaureate nursing program. The student will gather background information on a hospital problem affecting a particular population and will explore the literature in regard to the role nurses play in addressing or relieving the issue.
Ultimately, the student will be required to produce a three page evidence-based paper addressing a significant hospital issue. This evidence-based paper is due in two parts. In Part 1 of the Capstone Evidence based. Paper assignment, due in Unit 3, the student will identify and begin exploring a solution to a hospital issue. This first paper will provide the basis for, and will become part of, the Capstone Evidence-based.
• When selecting a hospital issue to be addressed in the assignment, the student is expected to draw fromone of the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint: health promotion and maintenance of health.
• Length of paper is 3 pages excluding the title page and the reference page.
• The sources cited both in text and on the reference page for this assignment will be formatted
according APA 6th edition guidelines.
• Minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed scholarly sources is required in support of the Capstone
Evidence-based Paper Part 1 assignment.
The assignment will include the following parts:
• TitlePage: (APA 6th edition formatting)
• Offer a detailed description of the statement of purpose for the paper.
• Identify the hospital issue which is the topic of the Capstone evidence based paper.
• A hospital issue or problem drawn from one of the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint: (Health promotion and maintenance of health).
• Population: Identifies the populationthat is impacted by the issue.
• Importance: Explains the importance of the issue to the health of the population as wellas identify the potential long-term negative effect if the issue is not addressed.
• Exploration of the literature-
Background: Provide summary of background information in describing the issue:
i. The effect of the issue on the population of interest.
ii. Identify at least one contributing factor.
iii. Identify potential negative effects of leaving the issue unresolved.
• Solution to the problem- Propose the best solution for solving the problem thatcan be carried out by a nurse through the use of appropriate evidence based data:
i. Peer-reviewed journal articles
ii. Scholarly sources
• Reference Page: (APA 6th edition formatting)