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Conduct a preliminary literature review. Find 3 articles that focus on diabetes complications that can be prevented by early detection and intervention. Articles you select may focus on, but are not limited to:

-epidemiological and behavioral information/data
-risk factors and prevention strategies
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Health Topic Paper
Follow these guidelines so that your paper is cohesive and easy to read! See the Rubrics so you get full points in Appendix B also take a look of the Community Assessment Guide so you can follow in order to write your paper!

Purpose: To identify one of the health topic areas from Healthy People 2020 (there are 39) for the community in which you live or work, and analyze the variables that may have an impact on this health indicator. Use this Assessment to help you guide in the writing of your community paper.

1. Define the community you have selected. Include the geographic location & boundaries 5%

2. Describe the community using the assessment guide (Attached to these directions See community assessment guide).
You may need to use a variety of sources to complete sections of the guide. You may find the following sources helpful: www.nyc.gov, data from local community boards, planning boards, department of health, census data and locally updated information sources. 20%

3. Based on your community assessment, select one health topic area from Healthy People 2020. Give your rationale for choosing the health topic area. 20%

4. What resources are currently available in the community to assist the residents with the problem (health topic area)? 20%

5. What would you propose as solutions to resolving the health problem (health topic area)? Discuss the role/responsibility of each of the following in the resolution of the problem: the government, families, individuals, health systems and educational facilities. 25%

6. Format (grammar, punctuation, spelling, and proper use of citations, references and APA format) 10%

This paper draws on information you may already have about the community in which you live or work. In addition, you should gather information based on direct observations and research that supports the topic and proposal. Demographic information must be from legitimate sources with citations of the source. It is not expected to be a lengthy paper (no more than 10 pages). Please be specific and do not be repetitive. If you have already responded to an area in an earlier section, you do not need to repeat it again (refer the reader to the section that it is discussed). The community assessment guide is just that, a guide. You can combine areas or use a list. This information must be typed in the format of a formal written paper using proper grammar, punctuation, spelling and references. The APA format must be used. Papers must be prepared in Word format. Do not use another type of word processing. Paper must submitted to Blackboard und safe assignment for review.

Grading Criteria for Health Topic/ Community Assessment paper – See Below

Criteria Exemplary = A
(Far exceeds standards) Above Average= B
(Exceeds Standards) Adequate = 3
(Meets standards) Inadequate = D
(Below standards)
Organization Writing shows high degree of points. Unity clearly leads the reader to the conclusion and stirs thoughts regarding the topic Writing is coherent and logically organized with transitions used between ideas and paragraphs to create coherence. Overall unity of ideas is presented Writing is coherent and logically organized. Some points remain misplaced and stray from the topic. Transitions evident but not used throughout essay. Writing lacks logical organization. It shows some coherence but ideas lack unity. Serious errors.
Level of Content Content indicates synthesis of ideas, in depth analysis and evidences original thought and support for the topic. Content indicates original thinking and develops ideas with sufficient and firm evidence. Content indicates thinking and reasoning applied with original though on a few ideas Shows some thinking and reasoning but most ideas are underdeveloped and unorginial
Development Main points well developed with high quality and quantity support. Reveals high degree of critical thinking Main points well developed with quality supporting and details and quantity. Critical thinking is weaved into points Main points are with limited detail and development. Some critical thinking is present. Main points lack detailed development. Ideas are vague with little evidence of critical thinking
Grammar & Mechanics

Grammar & Mechanics Essay is free of distracting spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors; absent of fragments, commas splices, and run-ons. Essay has few spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors allowing reader to follow ideas clearly. Very few fragments or run-ons Most spelling, punctuation, and grammar correct allowing reader to progress through essay. Some errors remain. Spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors create distraction, making reading difficult: fragments, comma splices, run-ons evident. Errors are frequent
Style Shows outstanding style going beyond usual college level; rhetorical devices and tones used effectively; creative use of sentence structure and coordination Attains college level style; tone is appropriate and rhetorical devices used to enhance content; sentence variety used effectively Approaches college level usage of some variety in sentence patterns, diction, and rhetorical devices. Mostly in elementary form with little or no variety in sentence structure, diction, rhetorical devices or emphasis
Format Meets all formal and assignment requirements and evidences attention to detail; all margins, spacing, and indentations are correct; Assignment is neat and correctly assembled with professional look and follows APA Meets format and assignment requirements; margins, spacing, and indentations are correct; assignment is neat and correctly assembled following APA guidelines Meets format and assignment requirements; generally correct margins, spacing, and indentations; assignment is neat but may have some assembly errors and APA problems Fails to follow format and assignment requirements; incorrect margins, spacing and indentation; neatness of essay needs attention, poor APA attention

Community Assessment Guide to conduct your paper

I. General Overall Impressions

A. Topography
B. Dwellings
C. Industry
D. Shops and local business
E. Density of buildings and population
F. Sounds
G. Economic assets and liabilities
H. Evidence of community planning
I. General impression about the community

II. Service Facilities
A. Shopping
B. Laundromats and other services
C. Recreational facilities
D. Clubs and associations
E. Religious
F. Transportation
G. Social and Welfare
H. School and other educational facilities
I. Health and medical facilities “Store front” agencies
J. Types of businesses

III. Environmental and Safety Conditions
A. Condition of streets and sidewalks
B. Condition of dwellings and other buildings
C. Sanitation
D. Police and fire department
E. General impression regarding safety and aesthetics

IV. Population Characteristics /Socio-cultural Considerations
A. Ethnic makeup
B. What languages are spoken?
C. Ages and gender of most of the people you see
D. Apparent economic status of residents
E. What are the residents seen doing?
F. How do residents and business people view their community?
G. Identify significant groups in the community and describe their influence on its functioning.
H. General impression of the community’s inhabitants

V. A summary statement about the community identifying negative factors which place strain on the community and positive factors which enhance its health status. Points will be deducted if not completed the summary statement.
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