using the textbook and Argosy Online Library, write a 750-word paper using APA standards that includes discussion of the following:
a.Describe an example of a television program that you believe clearly displays social deviance, and explain why you specifically selected it.
b.In this television program, how are people labeled as socially deviating from the expected social norms, and who does this labeling?
c.Analyze the deviance, using terms such as primary deviance, secondary deviance, retrospective labeling, and stigma.
d.Apply Durkheim’s four functions of deviance to the deviant actions in the television program. What purpose(s) does the deviance play?


Project description
Reflection Paper – Deviance
In our discussion of deviance, we discussed some examples of the relativity of deviance and the power dynamics found in labeling theory. For this reflection essay, discuss at least one other example of the relativity of deviance. Discuss some behaviors or acts that are considered deviant in mainstream society but are NOT deviant within a particular culture, group or organization. If possible, draw on examples from your own life (i.e. culture, groups, or organizations to which you belong).
Explain how perceptions of this behavior (i.e. as deviant vs. non-deviant) in your example differ according to social class, gender, race, nationality, etc. Consider the sanctions for engaging in these behaviors. What would the sanctions be within the group, if there were any? What would the sanctions be from mainstream society?
Be sure to include some of the concepts covered in the readings, textbook, and class discussion.
All Reflection Papers should be between 34 pages in length, typed, double-spaced with 12 point font and 1-inch margins. Reflection papers must make use of reference materials (course materials or outside readings), and must include in-text citations for the quotes or references made in your essay as well as a bibliography.

Project description
Reflection Paper – Deviance
In our discussion of deviance, we discussed some examples of the relativity of deviance and the power dynamics found in labeling theory. For this reflection essay, discuss at least one other example of the relativity of deviance. Discuss some behaviors or acts that are considered deviant in mainstream society but are NOT deviant within a particular culture, group or organization. If possible, draw on examples from your own life (i.e. culture, groups, or organizations to which you belong).
Explain how perceptions of this behavior (i.e. as deviant vs. non-deviant) in your example differ according to social class, gender, race, nationality, etc. Consider the sanctions for engaging in these behaviors. What would the sanctions be within the group, if there were any? What would the sanctions be from mainstream society?
Be sure to include some of the concepts covered in the readings, textbook, and class discussion.
All Reflection Papers should be between 34 pages in length, typed, double-spaced with 12 point font and 1-inch margins. Reflection papers must make use of reference materials (course materials or outside readings), and must include in-text citations for the quotes or references made in your essay as well as a bibliography.