using the textbook and Argosy Online Library, write a 750-word paper using APA standards that includes discussion of the following:
a.Describe an example of a television program that you believe clearly displays social deviance, and explain why you specifically selected it.
b.In this television program, how are people “labeled” as socially deviating from the expected social norms, and who does this labeling?
c.Analyze the deviance, using terms such as primary deviance, secondary deviance, retrospective labeling, and stigma.
d.Apply Durkheim’s four functions of deviance to the deviant actions in the television program. What purpose(s) does the deviance play?


Order Description
Assignment 4
All the answers must have example to show that you understand the subject. Each answer must have at least 45 word count. All work should show the source.
Required books to answer the questions: Introduction to Sociology: Second Edition by George Ritzer: ISBN: 978-1-4833-0294-2. Sage Publications: 2015
Contemporary Readings in Sociology by Kathleen Odell Korgen ISBN: 13; 978-1-4129-1. Pine Forge Press (An imprint of Sage Publications): 2008.
• In Ritzer—p. 397
1. “How has the structure of the family changed in the US since 1900?” (Ritzer, p. 397)
2. Describe the family, as it exists today, using the conflict perspective.
3. Describe the family, as it exists today, using the structural-functionalist perspective.
4. Describe the family, as it exists today, using the symbolic interactionist perspective.
5. What do you think about Internet dating?
6. What does Ritzer say about the reasons for divorce today?
• In Ritzer—p. 248
1. What is deviance and why is it socially defined?
2. What does Durkheim mean when he says that deviance is normative?
3. Define stigma and explain how it affects the life chances of various groups.
In Ritzer—p. 508
1. Define and explain the differences among socialism, and capitalism.
2. Explain what economic system would you prefer and why.
In Ritzer—pp. 586-587
1. What are push and pull factors?
2. How has globalization changed push and pull factors?
In Korgen—p. 40
1 According to Edin and Kefalas, why are increasing numbers of poor women having children out of wedlock? Would this decision make sense for you why or why not?
In Korgen—p. 167
2. How has your house hold labor distributed in your family of origin? Why?
In Korgen—p. 63
1 According to fisher and Pratt, why is state with a traditional political culture more likely to support the death penalty than one with moralistic political culture?
In Korgen—p. 96
1 According to Patchin and Hinduja, how does the harm of cyberbullying compare to that of traditional bullying? Give example
In Korgen—p. 202
1 what does Turk mean when he says that terrorism is a “social construction”? Give example
In EO— All answers must be 45 word count or more
The list of names, below, are African American males who have been killed by racists or by law enforcement.
Emmett Till
Sean Bell
Oscar Grant
Trayvon Martin
Jordan Davis
Michael Brown
Eric Garner
John Crawford
Tamir Rice
Freddie Gray
The Charleston Nine
2. Look up these names, find the dates and circumstances of these deaths and the outcomes if any.
3. Write one sentence or more about what you found.
a. What do you think about your findings?
b. Are all of these deaths due to racism?
i. Why or why not?
4. Is racism embedded in the culture of the United States?
a. Explain your answer.
5. Look up each of these time line entries.
a. What do they have to do with racism in America?
b. Did you know anything about any of the items on this list?
i. Which ones and where did you learn about it or them?
2. Did you find out anything that surprised or shocked you?
a. Explain your answer.
1776—Sally Hemings
1845—Native American Party—an anti-immigration group held convention in Philadelphia; attempted to stop immigration to U.S.
1852—Know-Nothings formed American Party Gained control of some legislatures
Wanted to: Ban Catholics and other immigrants (mostly Southern Europeans) from holding offices
1854—Commodore Matthew Perry opens trade between US and Japan
1857—Dred Scott Decision established legal doctrine of slaves as property
1877—Jim Crow Laws established
1882—First Chinese Exclusionary Act passed
1887—American Protective Association founded to stop immigration
1887—The Dawes Act eliminated tribal ownership of Indian lands
1894—Immigration Restriction League founded; proposed literacy tests and special standards for immigrants
1896—Plessy v. Ferguson decided by the Supreme Court; established separate but equal; affirmed the constitutionality of the Jim Crow laws
1899—Cumming v. County Board of Education established separate but unequal status; progeny of Plessy; upheld constitutionality of Jim Crow laws
1911—Chinese Exclusionary Act expanded to include other East Asians and Japanese
1924—National Origins Act passed by Congress Banned all East Asians Strictly limited immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe
1924—Ku Klux Klan marched down Pennsylvania Avenue in D.C.; the KKK had 4 million members
1942—Korematsu Decision determined that denying the civil rights of a certain group of citizens in times of war is constitutional
1943—The “Zoot Suit Riots” in LA; 200 Navy personnel rioted for 4 days over the July 4th
Holiday in East L.A.; many Hispanics killed; no arrests; newspapers anti-Hispanic articles exacerbated the situation
1953—Emmett Till murdered
6. What did you learn you did know before?
7. How can you use what you learnt in your everyday life?
Discussion Forum:
Theme: Deviance. Ritzer: (Pp. 215-219) each answer must be 45 word count or more
Suggestion; you can do something defiant like breaking the rule and report what happened by answering the question below. Use quote from the book to explain your argument
1. What did you do? (Must be 45 words or more)
a. What did you expect to happen?
• Extremely clearly stated and explained; extremely easy to follow and made excellent sense, exemplary specificity
b. Were your expectations met or did something unexpected occur?
• Extremely clearly stated and explained; extremely easy to follow and made excellent sense
c. Explain your answer and be very specific.
• Exemplary use of proper quotations from the required readings to support strongly the argument; exemplary specificity; demonstration of exemplary mastery of the subject matter
2. A. Which theory or theories explain your experiences? (Must be 45 words or more)
b. Do you agree or disagree with those theories?
c. Explain your answer and be very specific.
Exemplary understanding of the theory used; exemplary use of quotations from the required readings to support very strongly the argument; exemplary explanations clearly stated; demonstration of exemplary mastery of the subject matter
3. What did you learn that you didn’t know before? 2 part question—10 total points for this section (Must be 45 words or more for all of Question 3, with a separate word count.
a. Explain and be very specific.
• Exemplary analysis of the required readings, theories discussed, and knowledge gained; exemplary use of quotations from required readings to support very strongly the argument; exemplary specificity; exemplar of substantive work; demonstrates exemplary mastery of the subject matter
Works Cited
Properly formatted from the example given included all works used throughout the forum

Order Description
Assignment 4
All the answers must have example to show that you understand the subject. Each answer must have at least 45 word count. All work should show the source.
Required books to answer the questions: Introduction to Sociology: Second Edition by George Ritzer: ISBN: 978-1-4833-0294-2. Sage Publications: 2015
Contemporary Readings in Sociology by Kathleen Odell Korgen ISBN: 13; 978-1-4129-1. Pine Forge Press (An imprint of Sage Publications): 2008.
• In Ritzer—p. 397
1. “How has the structure of the family changed in the US since 1900?” (Ritzer, p. 397)
2. Describe the family, as it exists today, using the conflict perspective.
3. Describe the family, as it exists today, using the structural-functionalist perspective.
4. Describe the family, as it exists today, using the symbolic interactionist perspective.
5. What do you think about Internet dating?
6. What does Ritzer say about the reasons for divorce today?
• In Ritzer—p. 248
1. What is deviance and why is it socially defined?
2. What does Durkheim mean when he says that deviance is normative?
3. Define stigma and explain how it affects the life chances of various groups.
In Ritzer—p. 508
1. Define and explain the differences among socialism, and capitalism.
2. Explain what economic system would you prefer and why.
In Ritzer—pp. 586-587
1. What are push and pull factors?
2. How has globalization changed push and pull factors?
In Korgen—p. 40
1 According to Edin and Kefalas, why are increasing numbers of poor women having children out of wedlock? Would this decision make sense for you why or why not?
In Korgen—p. 167
2. How has your house hold labor distributed in your family of origin? Why?
In Korgen—p. 63
1 According to fisher and Pratt, why is state with a traditional political culture more likely to support the death penalty than one with moralistic political culture?
In Korgen—p. 96
1 According to Patchin and Hinduja, how does the harm of cyberbullying compare to that of traditional bullying? Give example
In Korgen—p. 202
1 what does Turk mean when he says that terrorism is a “social construction”? Give example
In EO— All answers must be 45 word count or more
The list of names, below, are African American males who have been killed by racists or by law enforcement.
Emmett Till
Sean Bell
Oscar Grant
Trayvon Martin
Jordan Davis
Michael Brown
Eric Garner
John Crawford
Tamir Rice
Freddie Gray
The Charleston Nine
2. Look up these names, find the dates and circumstances of these deaths and the outcomes if any.
3. Write one sentence or more about what you found.
a. What do you think about your findings?
b. Are all of these deaths due to racism?
i. Why or why not?
4. Is racism embedded in the culture of the United States?
a. Explain your answer.
5. Look up each of these time line entries.
a. What do they have to do with racism in America?
b. Did you know anything about any of the items on this list?
i. Which ones and where did you learn about it or them?
2. Did you find out anything that surprised or shocked you?
a. Explain your answer.
1776—Sally Hemings
1845—Native American Party—an anti-immigration group held convention in Philadelphia; attempted to stop immigration to U.S.
1852—Know-Nothings formed American Party Gained control of some legislatures
Wanted to: Ban Catholics and other immigrants (mostly Southern Europeans) from holding offices
1854—Commodore Matthew Perry opens trade between US and Japan
1857—Dred Scott Decision established legal doctrine of slaves as property
1877—Jim Crow Laws established
1882—First Chinese Exclusionary Act passed
1887—American Protective Association founded to stop immigration
1887—The Dawes Act eliminated tribal ownership of Indian lands
1894—Immigration Restriction League founded; proposed literacy tests and special standards for immigrants
1896—Plessy v. Ferguson decided by the Supreme Court; established separate but equal; affirmed the constitutionality of the Jim Crow laws
1899—Cumming v. County Board of Education established separate but unequal status; progeny of Plessy; upheld constitutionality of Jim Crow laws
1911—Chinese Exclusionary Act expanded to include other East Asians and Japanese
1924—National Origins Act passed by Congress Banned all East Asians Strictly limited immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe
1924—Ku Klux Klan marched down Pennsylvania Avenue in D.C.; the KKK had 4 million members
1942—Korematsu Decision determined that denying the civil rights of a certain group of citizens in times of war is constitutional
1943—The “Zoot Suit Riots” in LA; 200 Navy personnel rioted for 4 days over the July 4th
Holiday in East L.A.; many Hispanics killed; no arrests; newspapers anti-Hispanic articles exacerbated the situation
1953—Emmett Till murdered
6. What did you learn you did know before?
7. How can you use what you learnt in your everyday life?
Discussion Forum:
Theme: Deviance. Ritzer: (Pp. 215-219) each answer must be 45 word count or more
Suggestion; you can do something defiant like breaking the rule and report what happened by answering the question below. Use quote from the book to explain your argument
1. What did you do? (Must be 45 words or more)
a. What did you expect to happen?
• Extremely clearly stated and explained; extremely easy to follow and made excellent sense, exemplary specificity
b. Were your expectations met or did something unexpected occur?
• Extremely clearly stated and explained; extremely easy to follow and made excellent sense
c. Explain your answer and be very specific.
• Exemplary use of proper quotations from the required readings to support strongly the argument; exemplary specificity; demonstration of exemplary mastery of the subject matter
2. A. Which theory or theories explain your experiences? (Must be 45 words or more)
b. Do you agree or disagree with those theories?
c. Explain your answer and be very specific.
Exemplary understanding of the theory used; exemplary use of quotations from the required readings to support very strongly the argument; exemplary explanations clearly stated; demonstration of exemplary mastery of the subject matter
3. What did you learn that you didn’t know before? 2 part question—10 total points for this section (Must be 45 words or more for all of Question 3, with a separate word count.
a. Explain and be very specific.
• Exemplary analysis of the required readings, theories discussed, and knowledge gained; exemplary use of quotations from required readings to support very strongly the argument; exemplary specificity; exemplar of substantive work; demonstrates exemplary mastery of the subject matter
Works Cited
Properly formatted from the example given included all works used throughout the forum