Resubmission Assignment Brief 2 BA (Hons) Business Studies BSc (Hons) Marketing 2014-15 Level C Developing Management Competencies (DMC) Produce an online portfolio using ‘Mahara’. Details regarding what tasks you need to complete and what you need to upload to your Mahara Portfolio are provided via myBU. Instructions are also available on myBU. For further details please access: and If you have previously developed a Mahara Portfolio, please continue to work on this version, updating and improving, as appropriate. Please ensure that all access permissions are set up appropriately (guidance is provided via myBU). Figure 5.1. Field Code Changed Source: 1 R Hindley, C Calderon & M Ridolfo Developing Management Competencies 2014-15 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA All deliverables will be assessed using the following generic marking criteria: 1. Subject knowledge and understanding – evidence of factual and conceptual understanding of the subject, including appropriate reading / research 2. Intellectual skills – evidence of analysis and evaluation, ability to collate and categorise ideas and information and to develop and sustain a coherent argument 3. Ability to relate theory to practice – ability to apply knowledge to different contexts and generate a range of responses to given situations 4. Transferable skills – structure and organisation of content, layout and formatting, use of visuals, command of syntax, language and grammar 5. Innovation/originality – added value / going the extra mile. INDICATIVE ASSESSMENT OUTCOMES 80% & above = High First (Distinction) – Excellent standard Outstanding work. Clear evidence of insight and/or originality; Effective and incisive use of models or techniques; Exemplary presentation, in very good English. 70% – 79% = First (Distinction) – Very Good standard Clear evidence of insight and/or originality; Effective and incisive use of models or techniques; Notably clear and concise presentation, in good English. 60-69% = II I (Upper Second) – Good standard Consistent, objective and reasoned description. Good understanding; thoughtful analysis; Sound use of relevant models or techniques and evidence of creative ideas; Logical structure; clear arguments. Clear presentation in satisfactory English. 50-59% = II ii (Lower Second) – Satisfactory standard Work clearly set out; identifies fundamental and relevant issues; Limited analysis or synthesis; Appropriate use of models or techniques; Good structure; clear presentation in satisfactory English. 40-49% = III (Third class) – Poor standard Covers relevant issues at a basic level; Poor analysis; Models or techniques are very simplistic; Structure weak or inconsistent. Still, acceptable presentation in satisfactory English. 30 – 39% = Fail – Unacceptable standard Superficial and/or irrelevant; Lacks understanding of the question and/or the subject matter; Diagrams are inaccurate and/or poorly drafted; Structure inappropriate or absent; Unacceptable presentation. Below 30% = Very Weak Fail – Unacceptable standard Largely inaccurate or irrelevant material. Little or no evidence of understanding of the subject or of reading. Unstructured and incoherent. Markedly poor English and very inappropriate style. May be seriously deficient in quantity. ASSESSMENT OFFENCES The University has an Assessment Offences Policy, a copy of which can be found on the University web site ( It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with this policy. If an offence is suspected, you may be subject to the procedures outlined in the Policy. You are especially reminded of the importance of referencing your work properly and of the potential consequences of plagiarism. PLAGIARISM IS A SERIOUS ACADEMIC OFFENCE AND MAY INCUR SEVERE PENALTIES BEYOND A FAIL GRADE. Bournemouth University reserves the right to use electronic means to identify plagiarism. 2 R Hindley, C Calderon & M Ridolfo Developing Management Competencies 2014-15 If you have any queries regarding the Assessment Offences Policy, you should speak to your Programme Co-ordinator. HELP AND SUPPORT ?If you have any queries about this Resubmission Assignment, please contact Rebecca Hindley ([email protected]) ? All learning materials, as well as guidance regarding assessment tasks, are available via the DMC Unit area myBU. ? Please refer to the DMC Unit Guide for suggestions of appropriate resources. ? All references must be acknowledged using the BU version of the Harvard Referencing system (Author Date Method). Failure to do so amounts to plagiarism which is against University regulations. Please refer to for the University’s guide to citation in the Harvard style. ? Students with Additional Learning Needs may contact Learning Support on ? General academic support is available via the Academic Skills community on myBU. ?If you have any valid mitigating circumstances that mean you cannot meet an assignment submission deadline and you wish to request an extension, you will need to complete and submit the Mitigating Circumstances Form for consideration to your Programme/Framework Administrator together with appropriate supporting evidence (e.g., GP note) normally before the coursework deadline. Further details on the procedure and the mitigating circumstances form can be found at Please make sure you read these documents carefully before submitting anything for consideration. Disclaimer: The information provided in this Assignment brief is correct at time of publication. In the unlikely event that any changes are deemed necessary, they will be communicated clearly via e-mail and myBU and a new version of this Assignment brief will be circulate