Developing a Personal Action Plan for Ethical Decision-Making
This Assignment is intended to draw on all the ideas about ethics and ethical decision-making
You will write a paper that includes your own personal action plan for ethical decision-making and an application of your personal ethical decision-making plan to one ethical dilemma scenario.
“A personal action plan for ethical decision- making should include some reflection on how to cope with locus of control issues, and at least two methods of resolving ethical problems and ethical dilemmas. One method should be relatively straightforward and timely, such as a priority [moral] compass, and the other should be a procedure- based model for complex dilemmas with potentially serious consequences for one or more of the stakeholders.” (McLachlan, 2010, p. 294)
Your Final Assignment paper should be double-spaced in 1 12 point font. It should include:
1. An Introduction – Give a brief overview of the contents of your paper. (about ½ page)
2. Present in writing your Personal Action Plan for Ethical Decision-Making. It will have three sections:
a) Section One: Answer the question “What will I do in the future when I face ethical “locus of control” issues? Note: You are encouraged to review course readings, course discussions and any personal writings on locus of control issues, so that your answer in this Final Assignment should demonstrate an integration of ideas drawn from the course content as well as some new thinking. (About 2 pages)
b) Section Two: Describe how you would make a decision in an ethical situation using your “personal moral compass”. Note: You are encouraged to review course readings, course discussions and any personal writings developing and using a personal moral compass, so that your answer in this Final Assignment should demonstrate an integration of ideas drawn from the course content as well as some new thinking. (About 2 pages)
c) Section Three: Describe your Personal Procedures-Based Ethical Decision-Making Model. Note: While you are encouraged to review course readings, course discussions and the examples of procedures-based ethical decision-making models from Module Twelve, you are expected to create a new model that is uniquely yours. (3 – 4 pages)
3. An Application of Your Model. Take either the same scenario you worked on in Module 9 or the scenario you worked on in Module 11. Apply your Personal Procedures-Based Decision-Making Model to the scenario by working through the steps and fully answering all the questions in your model. Finish by describing the decision you would make and why. (3 – 4 pages)
4. A Conclusion. Briefly summarize your main points in your paper. (½ page)
Grading Criteria
Personal Action Plan for Ethical Decision-Making
Does not address all three required areas – locus of control reflections, personal moral compass, procedures-based ethical decision-making model.
Superficial treatment. Conceptual framework missing or unclear. Personal Procedures-Based Ethical-Decision-Making Plan missing many required elements.
Addresses all three required areas- locus of control reflections, personal moral compass, procedures-based ethical decision-making model.
Some major conceptual holes. Some integration of ideas from course. Some understanding of concepts and
ability to apply concepts appropriately. Personal Procedures-Based Ethical-Decision-Making Plan missing many required elements.
Addresses all three required areas- locus of control reflections, personal moral compass, procedures-based ethical decision-making model. All three areas show integration of most relevant ideas from course. All three areas show understanding of most relevant concepts from course content. Personal Procedures-Based Ethical-Decision-Making Plan includes most required elements.
Fully addresses all three required areas- locus of control reflections, personal moral compass, procedures-based ethical decision-making model. All three areas show integration of all relevant ideas from course. All three areas show understanding of all relevant concepts from course content. Personal Procedures-Based Ethical-Decision-Making Plan includes all required elements.
Application of Personal Procedures-Based Ethical-Decision-Making Plan to Ethical Scenario
Personal Procedures-Based Ethical-Decision-Making Plan not applied to Ethical Scenario or applied in a superficial and incomplete way. Decision not explained.
Some decision-making elements.
considered. Most questions in Personal Procedures-Based Ethical-Decision-Making Plan answered but answers could be more complete. Decision explained but explanation could be more complete.
Most necessary decision-making elements.
considered. All questions in Personal Procedures-Based Ethical-Decision-Making Plan answered. Decision explained.
All necessary decision-making elements fully.
considered. All questions in Personal Procedures-Based Ethical-Decision-Making Plan answered. Decision explained in terms of outcomes of decision-making model.
Originality and creativity
Ideas and language very similar to course readings.
Some evidence of new and creative interpretations.
Unique and creative interpretations.
Organization and clarity of writing.
Focus is not clear. Rambles. No or minimal introduction and conclusion. Too many grammar, punctuation, spelling and sentence structure errors that slow down the reading.
Ideas communicated clearly, but sometimes the thread disappears in the midst of details or confusing arrangements. The conclusion or introduction is not as strong and clear as it could be. Still some grammar, punctuation, spelling and sentence structure errors that detract from your meaning.
Each paragraph leads logically to the next. Arrangement of points is effective.
Either the piece is free of grammar, punctuation, spelling and sentence structure errors, or it has only minor errors that can be easily corrected.