The Sheriff of McKean County has hired you, because you took my Class, to develop a Day Program for the McKean County Jail. Because of overcrowding, the Jail is operating at 130%, and the Freeholders of McKean County are trying to reduce operating costs at the Jail. They have asked the Sheriff to reduce the Jail population by 15 Inmates.
Your assignment is to develop a Day Program for the 15 Inmates. These individuals will be selected from the existing Inmates at the Jail and the criteria for selection will exclude the following: Those accused of sex offences and violent offenses. You have a budget of $200,000.00 for a one (1) year period, and can hire three people. All Inmates will perform 10 hours of community service each week.
This Paper should include the following:
1) Name of the Program
2) Location of the Program
3) Criteria for people hired, including sex, education, in recovery
4) Selection of Inmates
5) Daily schedule of activity (Monday thru Friday)
6) Hours of operation
7) Community service activity
8) Transportation for Inmates
9) Sanctions for Inmates who violate Program rules
10) Evaluation of Program
Develop a Day Program for the McKean County Jail.