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This is an assessment about the UAE Labour Law. Read the case study and the details of the assessment below:

Non-Arabs can acquire property at Sharjah Waterfront City
Non-Arab nationals will have a chance to acquire property at the Sharjah Waterfront City development. The plans are to set aside a limited numbers for these buyers within the first phase, construction of which is to start by the year-end.
“We will see special dispensation from the Sharjah authorities to allow foreign nationals to buy on 100year leases,” said Hayssam Al Masri, president of Sharjah Oasis Real Estate, the master-developer of the Dh18 billion plus project. “These are the regulations Sharjah operates by on property sales, and we will abide by that.”
The first round of residential sales was launched on Wednesday at Cityscape, and the take-up has been deemed as extremely encouraging. There are expected to be 20 high-rises in this phase.
The project was earlier known as ‘Nujoom Islands’. “The original plan had been around for some time, but Sharjah Waterfront City has been extensively redesigned to create a sustainable project. Phase 1 will be delivered by Q3-2018.”
The project has also roped in investor-partners in the form of Saudi headquartered Al Hanoo Real Estate Co. More strategic partners are to be roped in. The first two phases could come to around Dh9.5 billion. Meanwhile, two hotel brands have been signed on for the Waterfront City, and expected to open in the last quarter of 2016 and 2019, respectively.
More than 100,000 are expected to live and work in the City once it reaches full development.
(Article by M Nair in Gulf News, September 9th, 2015. Accessed at http://gulfnews.com/business/property/nonarabs-can-acquire-property-at-sharjah-waterfront-city-1.1581239)

Imagine that you and your team are hired as HR consultants by a new group of investors from North America. They have made successful investments in Canada and the U.S., and their next strategic move is to enter to the GCC, starting with investments in Sharjah Waterfront City. They choose Sharjah to become their regional headquarters. You are requested to provide them with information about the following topics related to UAE labor law:

1. As a Group of two or three, prepare a template for a Limited Employment Contract for expatriate employees working for the Marketing Department as marketing experts:
• Find a template / sample Limited Employment Contract on the Internet and adapt it to the UAE labour market. Attach the adapted version in Word doc format to your report (see below).
• Prepare a report on how the content elements meet the rules of the UAE Labour Code. The length of report is expected to be min. 500 words. Sources of information may include newspaper and journal articles, law reviews, statutes and other written sources. The team must use at least three sources, including the course textbook.

2. As an Individual, choose a Labour Law topic from the list below:
• Wages (including gratuity payment) (500words)
• Safety requirements (500words)
• Working hours and various types of leave (500words)

(Please note that each member of the group should choose a different Labor Law topic: inform your teacher about your choice ASAP but until the end of Week 11 the latest.)
As an Individual, investigate the chosen topic. You should explain the main features of the relevant UAE rules to the investors. Sources of information may include newspaper and journal articles, law reviews, statutes and other written sources. You must use at least three sources, including the course textbook. The individual part is expected to be min. 500 words long.

The Group Leader should submit the hardcopy of the report by the end of week 13 to your teacher. The report should contain the group and all the individual parts, and the SafeAssign report.

Evidence Required Marks
available / Attained 0-20%
Not addressed or submitted: answers few areas, unclear throughout; shows very limited understanding of issue 21-40%
Minimal coverage: many areas / places unclear; shows limited or incomplete understanding of issue 41-60%
Some coverage: answer with some areas or places unclear; shows adequate understanding of issue 61-80%
Substantial coverage: answers all areas clearly; shows a good overall understanding of issue 81-100%
Full coverage with application: answers all areas very clearly; shows excellent understanding of issue
Limited Employment Contract: • Found and adapted a model
• Discussion of how it meets the requirements of the UAE Labor Code
• Length is min. 500 words; use of min. 3 sources 40 marks 0-2
0-2 2.1-4 4.1-8
2.1-4 4.1-6
4.1-6 6.1-8
6.1-8 8.1-10
Analysis of the chosen labor law issues:
• Explanation of 3 important features of the chosen labor law issues
• Length is min. 500 word; use of min. 3 sources
• Conclusion 25 marks 0-2
0-1 2.1-4 2.1-4
1.1-2 4.1-6 4.1-6
2.1-3 6.1-8 6.1-8
3.1-4 8.1-10
English language – band 6
• Appropriate use of vocabulary
• Work is spell and grammar
• Following HCT formatting requirements
• Following HCT APA
referencing conventions 10 marks SEE SEPARATE ENGLISH MARKING SHEET
Form part of the Group grade

WRITTEN LANGUAGE 1 2 3 (HCT writing band 6) 4 5 Score


Lack of accuracy in simple and complex
sentences Accuracy in most simple sentences, though errors occur and complex sentences rare Good accuracy in simple sentences – complex sentences limited and with errors Good accuracy in both simple and complex sentences – though errors sometimes occur Strong range of sentences – errors infrequent

VOC Vocab very limited and inappropriate – errors throughout Vocab limited and errors frequent Vocab choice generally appropriate and accurate – although errors Vocab choice shows more flexibility – though errors Good range of vocab – errors infrequent
Spelling / punctuation

SP Errors frequent and affect flow/meaning
of content Errors frequent, but not affecting meaning Errors occur regularly Occasional errors Largely error free (occasional lapse)

FORMATTING 1 2 3 4 5 Score
Following HCT formatting requirements for

Little attempt to follow formatting conventions (4 or more problem areas) Formatting is attempted but often incorrect (3 problem areas) Formatted correctly in most respects (2 problem areas) Formatted correctly in all areas (only 1 problem areas) Correct formatting throughout (No problem areas)

1. title page 2. contents page 3. margins 4. page numbers 5. font consistency 6. line spacing 7. sections & 8. level 1&2 9. bullets and 10. separate
paragraph spacing headings numbering appendix page

REFERENCING 1 2 3 4 5 Score
Following HCT APA referencing conventions
(use 1-4 for reports without charts/pics or 1-6 with
REF Little attempt to follow referencing conventions (problems in all areas) Referencing attempted, but often inaccurate (3 problem areas or 4-5 problem areas if using charts/pictures) Generally appropriate number and use of citations – although repeated errors may occur in 1 or 2 areas below (2 problem areas or 2-3 problem areas if using charts/pictures) Referenced well with minor omissions/errors (i.e. incorrect use of intext reference) (only
1 problem area) Referenced fully and accurately (No problem areas)

1. in text sources in brackets 2. references 3. quotations 4. paraphrasing
5. chart /pictures captions 6. chart/pictures in-text bracketed refs

Late Assignment Guideline

You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.



This is an assessment about the UAE Labour Law. Read the case study and the details of the assessment below:

Non-Arabs can acquire property at Sharjah Waterfront City
Non-Arab nationals will have a chance to acquire property at the Sharjah Waterfront City development. The plans are to set aside a limited numbers for these buyers within the first phase, construction of which is to start by the year-end.
“We will see special dispensation from the Sharjah authorities to allow foreign nationals to buy on 100year leases,” said Hayssam Al Masri, president of Sharjah Oasis Real Estate, the master-developer of the Dh18 billion plus project. “These are the regulations Sharjah operates by on property sales, and we will abide by that.”
The first round of residential sales was launched on Wednesday at Cityscape, and the take-up has been deemed as extremely encouraging. There are expected to be 20 high-rises in this phase.
The project was earlier known as ‘Nujoom Islands’. “The original plan had been around for some time, but Sharjah Waterfront City has been extensively redesigned to create a sustainable project. Phase 1 will be delivered by Q3-2018.”
The project has also roped in investor-partners in the form of Saudi headquartered Al Hanoo Real Estate Co. More strategic partners are to be roped in. The first two phases could come to around Dh9.5 billion. Meanwhile, two hotel brands have been signed on for the Waterfront City, and expected to open in the last quarter of 2016 and 2019, respectively.
More than 100,000 are expected to live and work in the City once it reaches full development.
(Article by M Nair in Gulf News, September 9th, 2015. Accessed at http://gulfnews.com/business/property/nonarabs-can-acquire-property-at-sharjah-waterfront-city-1.1581239)

Imagine that you and your team are hired as HR consultants by a new group of investors from North America. They have made successful investments in Canada and the U.S., and their next strategic move is to enter to the GCC, starting with investments in Sharjah Waterfront City. They choose Sharjah to become their regional headquarters. You are requested to provide them with information about the following topics related to UAE labor law:

1. As a Group of two or three, prepare a template for a Limited Employment Contract for expatriate employees working for the Marketing Department as marketing experts:
• Find a template / sample Limited Employment Contract on the Internet and adapt it to the UAE labour market. Attach the adapted version in Word doc format to your report (see below).
• Prepare a report on how the content elements meet the rules of the UAE Labour Code. The length of report is expected to be min. 500 words. Sources of information may include newspaper and journal articles, law reviews, statutes and other written sources. The team must use at least three sources, including the course textbook.

2. As an Individual, choose a Labour Law topic from the list below:
• Wages (including gratuity payment) (500words)
• Safety requirements (500words)
• Working hours and various types of leave (500words)

(Please note that each member of the group should choose a different Labor Law topic: inform your teacher about your choice ASAP but until the end of Week 11 the latest.)
As an Individual, investigate the chosen topic. You should explain the main features of the relevant UAE rules to the investors. Sources of information may include newspaper and journal articles, law reviews, statutes and other written sources. You must use at least three sources, including the course textbook. The individual part is expected to be min. 500 words long.

The Group Leader should submit the hardcopy of the report by the end of week 13 to your teacher. The report should contain the group and all the individual parts, and the SafeAssign report.

Evidence Required Marks
available / Attained 0-20%
Not addressed or submitted: answers few areas, unclear throughout; shows very limited understanding of issue 21-40%
Minimal coverage: many areas / places unclear; shows limited or incomplete understanding of issue 41-60%
Some coverage: answer with some areas or places unclear; shows adequate understanding of issue 61-80%
Substantial coverage: answers all areas clearly; shows a good overall understanding of issue 81-100%
Full coverage with application: answers all areas very clearly; shows excellent understanding of issue
Limited Employment Contract: • Found and adapted a model
• Discussion of how it meets the requirements of the UAE Labor Code
• Length is min. 500 words; use of min. 3 sources 40 marks 0-2
0-2 2.1-4 4.1-8
2.1-4 4.1-6
4.1-6 6.1-8
6.1-8 8.1-10
Analysis of the chosen labor law issues:
• Explanation of 3 important features of the chosen labor law issues
• Length is min. 500 word; use of min. 3 sources
• Conclusion 25 marks 0-2
0-1 2.1-4 2.1-4
1.1-2 4.1-6 4.1-6
2.1-3 6.1-8 6.1-8
3.1-4 8.1-10
English language – band 6
• Appropriate use of vocabulary
• Work is spell and grammar
• Following HCT formatting requirements
• Following HCT APA
referencing conventions 10 marks SEE SEPARATE ENGLISH MARKING SHEET
Form part of the Group grade

WRITTEN LANGUAGE 1 2 3 (HCT writing band 6) 4 5 Score


Lack of accuracy in simple and complex
sentences Accuracy in most simple sentences, though errors occur and complex sentences rare Good accuracy in simple sentences – complex sentences limited and with errors Good accuracy in both simple and complex sentences – though errors sometimes occur Strong range of sentences – errors infrequent

VOC Vocab very limited and inappropriate – errors throughout Vocab limited and errors frequent Vocab choice generally appropriate and accurate – although errors Vocab choice shows more flexibility – though errors Good range of vocab – errors infrequent
Spelling / punctuation

SP Errors frequent and affect flow/meaning
of content Errors frequent, but not affecting meaning Errors occur regularly Occasional errors Largely error free (occasional lapse)

FORMATTING 1 2 3 4 5 Score
Following HCT formatting requirements for

Little attempt to follow formatting conventions (4 or more problem areas) Formatting is attempted but often incorrect (3 problem areas) Formatted correctly in most respects (2 problem areas) Formatted correctly in all areas (only 1 problem areas) Correct formatting throughout (No problem areas)

1. title page 2. contents page 3. margins 4. page numbers 5. font consistency 6. line spacing 7. sections & 8. level 1&2 9. bullets and 10. separate
paragraph spacing headings numbering appendix page

REFERENCING 1 2 3 4 5 Score
Following HCT APA referencing conventions
(use 1-4 for reports without charts/pics or 1-6 with
REF Little attempt to follow referencing conventions (problems in all areas) Referencing attempted, but often inaccurate (3 problem areas or 4-5 problem areas if using charts/pictures) Generally appropriate number and use of citations – although repeated errors may occur in 1 or 2 areas below (2 problem areas or 2-3 problem areas if using charts/pictures) Referenced well with minor omissions/errors (i.e. incorrect use of intext reference) (only
1 problem area) Referenced fully and accurately (No problem areas)

1. in text sources in brackets 2. references 3. quotations 4. paraphrasing
5. chart /pictures captions 6. chart/pictures in-text bracketed refs

Late Assignment Guideline

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.



This is an assessment about the UAE Labour Law. Read the case study and the details of the assessment below:

Non-Arabs can acquire property at Sharjah Waterfront City
Non-Arab nationals will have a chance to acquire property at the Sharjah Waterfront City development. The plans are to set aside a limited numbers for these buyers within the first phase, construction of which is to start by the year-end.
“We will see special dispensation from the Sharjah authorities to allow foreign nationals to buy on 100year leases,” said Hayssam Al Masri, president of Sharjah Oasis Real Estate, the master-developer of the Dh18 billion plus project. “These are the regulations Sharjah operates by on property sales, and we will abide by that.”
The first round of residential sales was launched on Wednesday at Cityscape, and the take-up has been deemed as extremely encouraging. There are expected to be 20 high-rises in this phase.
The project was earlier known as ‘Nujoom Islands’. “The original plan had been around for some time, but Sharjah Waterfront City has been extensively redesigned to create a sustainable project. Phase 1 will be delivered by Q3-2018.”
The project has also roped in investor-partners in the form of Saudi headquartered Al Hanoo Real Estate Co. More strategic partners are to be roped in. The first two phases could come to around Dh9.5 billion. Meanwhile, two hotel brands have been signed on for the Waterfront City, and expected to open in the last quarter of 2016 and 2019, respectively.
More than 100,000 are expected to live and work in the City once it reaches full development.
(Article by M Nair in Gulf News, September 9th, 2015. Accessed at http://gulfnews.com/business/property/nonarabs-can-acquire-property-at-sharjah-waterfront-city-1.1581239)

Imagine that you and your team are hired as HR consultants by a new group of investors from North America. They have made successful investments in Canada and the U.S., and their next strategic move is to enter to the GCC, starting with investments in Sharjah Waterfront City. They choose Sharjah to become their regional headquarters. You are requested to provide them with information about the following topics related to UAE labor law:

1. As a Group of two or three, prepare a template for a Limited Employment Contract for expatriate employees working for the Marketing Department as marketing experts:
• Find a template / sample Limited Employment Contract on the Internet and adapt it to the UAE labour market. Attach the adapted version in Word doc format to your report (see below).
• Prepare a report on how the content elements meet the rules of the UAE Labour Code. The length of report is expected to be min. 500 words. Sources of information may include newspaper and journal articles, law reviews, statutes and other written sources. The team must use at least three sources, including the course textbook.

2. As an Individual, choose a Labour Law topic from the list below:
• Wages (including gratuity payment) (500words)
• Safety requirements (500words)
• Working hours and various types of leave (500words)

(Please note that each member of the group should choose a different Labor Law topic: inform your teacher about your choice ASAP but until the end of Week 11 the latest.)
As an Individual, investigate the chosen topic. You should explain the main features of the relevant UAE rules to the investors. Sources of information may include newspaper and journal articles, law reviews, statutes and other written sources. You must use at least three sources, including the course textbook. The individual part is expected to be min. 500 words long.

The Group Leader should submit the hardcopy of the report by the end of week 13 to your teacher. The report should contain the group and all the individual parts, and the SafeAssign report.

Evidence Required Marks
available / Attained 0-20%
Not addressed or submitted: answers few areas, unclear throughout; shows very limited understanding of issue 21-40%
Minimal coverage: many areas / places unclear; shows limited or incomplete understanding of issue 41-60%
Some coverage: answer with some areas or places unclear; shows adequate understanding of issue 61-80%
Substantial coverage: answers all areas clearly; shows a good overall understanding of issue 81-100%
Full coverage with application: answers all areas very clearly; shows excellent understanding of issue
Limited Employment Contract: • Found and adapted a model
• Discussion of how it meets the requirements of the UAE Labor Code
• Length is min. 500 words; use of min. 3 sources 40 marks 0-2
0-2 2.1-4 4.1-8
2.1-4 4.1-6
4.1-6 6.1-8
6.1-8 8.1-10
Analysis of the chosen labor law issues:
• Explanation of 3 important features of the chosen labor law issues
• Length is min. 500 word; use of min. 3 sources
• Conclusion 25 marks 0-2
0-1 2.1-4 2.1-4
1.1-2 4.1-6 4.1-6
2.1-3 6.1-8 6.1-8
3.1-4 8.1-10
English language – band 6
• Appropriate use of vocabulary
• Work is spell and grammar
• Following HCT formatting requirements
• Following HCT APA
referencing conventions 10 marks SEE SEPARATE ENGLISH MARKING SHEET
Form part of the Group grade

WRITTEN LANGUAGE 1 2 3 (HCT writing band 6) 4 5 Score


Lack of accuracy in simple and complex
sentences Accuracy in most simple sentences, though errors occur and complex sentences rare Good accuracy in simple sentences – complex sentences limited and with errors Good accuracy in both simple and complex sentences – though errors sometimes occur Strong range of sentences – errors infrequent

VOC Vocab very limited and inappropriate – errors throughout Vocab limited and errors frequent Vocab choice generally appropriate and accurate – although errors Vocab choice shows more flexibility – though errors Good range of vocab – errors infrequent
Spelling / punctuation

SP Errors frequent and affect flow/meaning
of content Errors frequent, but not affecting meaning Errors occur regularly Occasional errors Largely error free (occasional lapse)

FORMATTING 1 2 3 4 5 Score
Following HCT formatting requirements for

Little attempt to follow formatting conventions (4 or more problem areas) Formatting is attempted but often incorrect (3 problem areas) Formatted correctly in most respects (2 problem areas) Formatted correctly in all areas (only 1 problem areas) Correct formatting throughout (No problem areas)

1. title page 2. contents page 3. margins 4. page numbers 5. font consistency 6. line spacing 7. sections & 8. level 1&2 9. bullets and 10. separate
paragraph spacing headings numbering appendix page

REFERENCING 1 2 3 4 5 Score
Following HCT APA referencing conventions
(use 1-4 for reports without charts/pics or 1-6 with
REF Little attempt to follow referencing conventions (problems in all areas) Referencing attempted, but often inaccurate (3 problem areas or 4-5 problem areas if using charts/pictures) Generally appropriate number and use of citations – although repeated errors may occur in 1 or 2 areas below (2 problem areas or 2-3 problem areas if using charts/pictures) Referenced well with minor omissions/errors (i.e. incorrect use of intext reference) (only
1 problem area) Referenced fully and accurately (No problem areas)

1. in text sources in brackets 2. references 3. quotations 4. paraphrasing
5. chart /pictures captions 6. chart/pictures in-text bracketed refs

Late Assignment Guideline

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