Part A – Description of Interaction/s (COMPULSORY)
Summarise a communication interaction from your own experience where some kind of
miscommunication occurred or where you misjudged somebody. These may be from your
personal or work life, and the interactions may have been face to face or online.
Use a pseudonym or a first name if privacy is an issue. Only write about an
incident that you are prepared to share with your tutor and other members of the
teaching team. Please respect the privacy of others.
(Approx. 200 words)
Part B – Essay (Approx. 1500 words)
According to DeVito (2014) we are constantly making choices about how, when and why
we choose to communicate. With reference to specific communication theory and
examples from your case study analyse how your perceptual distortions affected the choices you made during the
conversation and how these contributed to the misunderstanding or
misjudgement. In hindsight, what alternative conclusions could you have come to,
and how might these alternative perceptions have produced a better outcome?
Description of Interaction