As a reminder, you will need to submit a brief Organizational Overview & Assessment Proposal to me via Blackboard by Monday, September 21. Im not looking for a big write up here (no grade assigned), just a simple paragraph outlining the agency that youve selected and a few sentences about why you selected that particular municipality. Please note that Ive given you an extra week on both the proposal and paper. Proposal is due by 6 PM next Monday 9/21 and the actual assignment will be due by 6 PM on Monday 10/5. Please refer to the syllabus for specifics on paper formatting etc.Paper #1 As weve discussed in class, every municipality is distinctly different. For this long-format written assignment, I am giving you the opportunity to complete an organizational overview and assessment. Please choose a City in Ventura, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Orange, or San Diego County. Using material that you have digested from the text and other readings provide me with a thoughtful and in-depth overview of the organization. Make sure you are weaving in course concepts and ideas throughout. You will need to submit a brief Organizational Overview & Assessment Proposal to me via Blackboard by Wednesday, September 14. Your paper will need to be uploaded to Blackboard by Wednesday, September 28 at 6 PM.Your paper should be 7-10 pages and include at a minimum:
Describe the originations structure including functional departments, leadership team, and any relevant contractual service relationships;