1. Hazard assessment form (8 points)
The hazard assessment form is the primary tool for documenting the information about the assessment, the hazards, risk factors, risks and controls. Consider and include other necessary information on the form that makes it useful and meaningful to the employer and the employee.2. Risk assessment methodology (6 points)
Identify the factors that the system uses to determine risk. Define and describe how the factors are used to determine risk by a numerical system/calculations, a matrix system or another method. The methodology should also define the risk levels and assign actions based on the level of risk.3. Rationale for the design of your hazard assessment form and methodology (6 points)
Describe the advantages in how the form has been designed. Describe the advantages in how risk levels are determined. Describe how the form and methodology are used and are useful to workers.4. Job description of job assessed (4 points)
Provide an overview of the job or task.5. Completed hazard assessment (14 Points)
Your assessment must be thorough and complete. It should be a document that would be useful to both the employer and the employee
Describe the advantages in how the hazard assessment system has been designed, the advantages in how risk levels are determined and how the form and methodology are used.