I need an expert writer, knowledgable about English Literature and Literary Theory who will be able to write a 150 page disserattion on a black British writer’s novels. Postcolonialism, Postmodernism, revisionism, Humanism, the Other, etc are some of the important topics. I need the writer to provide the Pdf copies of the resources so that I can read and get info about them too.
There are 5 novels to be studied. It could be a case study/ a textual critical analysis of the novels in terms of two themes Or within the frmawork of a literary theory.
Can you manage ths project?
I can give you some more info and ask some questions that you should answer before we reach an agreement If I am happy with your job, we will have a long term cooperation, hopefully
Dehumanisation and African Identity in the Works of (a British writer-I will provide the name later on)